There's a sponge on my engine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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There's a sponge on my engine


March 18, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
S/W Houston
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT
----previously posted in General Section with no response so i thought i would try this section----

I like clean parts so about every six months, I go to a near by car wash and spray my engine with degreaser to give it that brand new look. :rolleyes:

So this weekend after cleaning the engine, i noticed something on top of the intake manifold. (4.0L V6 SOHC, 2003 Explorer) I reach in to touch it and find out it is what appears to be a plastic wrapped sponge or pad of some sort. It also seems to be stuck, as though it was put there before the fuel injection system was installed and is now part of the engine. Anyone else have this sponge or pad thingy? Anyone know if it is supposed to be there or if it was left there during manufacturing or something? :chug:
