Thermostat change | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thermostat change


New Member
November 1, 2002
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City, State
Manchester, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 explorer V-6
Hi guys,
Im going to need some advice. I need to change the thermostat in my 1994 explorer with the 3.8 liter V-6. Im pretty sure its stuck open, or just out of calibration. I really dont think its the temp sensor, but ill wait on that conclusion.
So I read somewhere that the acc. belt, and tensioner have to come off, and its not very easy to set the t-stat in there once the housing is off.... Any tricks or special tools I will need? I appreciate any of your help. Thanks a ton guys.

3.8L? I don't think Ford ever made a 3.8L Explorer.

As for the thermostat, when I changed it in my 97 I just removed the air intake tube. You can work around the rest of the stuff. It makes it easier to remove the tension pully, but it's not necessary.

I replaced mine a couple of months ago and it was fairly easy with the exception of one bolt. Here is a step-by-step

1. Drain coolant. Good time to flush before pulling out T-stat.
2. Pull off air intake duct.
3. Disconnect top radiator hose from t-stat housing.
4. Use a small 1/4 " or 3/8" drive and pull the right 2 bolts out.
5. Now for the hard part. to get to the third bolt on the left os tricky. Get a 1/4" drive and swivel and move tach wire out of the way to get to the 3rd bolt. Ford decided to run the Tach wire right through where you need to get. However, you can get the bolt out without pulling the tensioner off.
6. Pull off t-stat housing.
7. Pull and replace t-stat. Note that there is an air bleed hole that needs to be on top.
8. Reinstall in reverse order.
9. Drink a beer or 2.

Total job should take about an hour.

I didn'y have to remove anything on my 98 4.0. I just used a wobble connector on my socket wrench. Took me less than 30 min from start to finish including draining the radiator completely.
