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Things to do indoors for dates?

sorry i couldnt think of where else to put this link so while you are checkin it out may be something will pop up

edit: nice website

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Originally posted by matey
sorry i couldnt think of where else to put this link so while you are checkin it out may be something will pop up

maybe we can get a group buy to go to Australia. Those are some awesome "bikinis"...i wonder how long that link will last in here haha.

Mo.. do you have any indoor ice or roller hockey arenas? Chicks dig hockey. :D

Originally posted by Magicfan25
chucky cheese...hahaha..we went there to have pizza and drink beer one night. (No we didnt get drunk at chucky cheese, just a few drinks). Felt waaaay weird bein in there a couple college kids.

Around here we have a chucky cheese for the older crowd. I think it's call Dave & Busters. They have pool tables, games, bars, I think indoor putt putt..

How is the cash flow? I have a tendancy to spend more money on g/f's then i should. I took my X G/F out one night , we went to see a play (yea I know Kinda Boring but she liked them) then for dinner and ended up staying downtown for the night .

Yeah, Dave and Busters is a cool place to take a date. Here in Houston we also have a similiar place called Jillian's.

Off the wall plays are cool. An ex-GF once got tickets for us to see a small play called "Shopping and ****ing". Very interesting to say the least.

well i only live like 10 minutes away from there (not going the speed limit) and the only place i can think of that you are talking about would have been country kitchen, but it has closed down since then and is now a chinese place

Oh man, that's too bad. I had a good eat there. If this was the same place we're talkin about. Big brick building in downtown Mexico.

THis may give me some ideas, it seems like relationships grow stale doing the same thing over and over.

So, what did you end up doing?

Something to do on a MON night, that's kinda tough.

Go Super Wal-marting,
I know, it sounds kinda lame, but it can be fun walking around looking at stuff, you can get a feel for what she likes. Look at housewares and dream of getting a house together. Pick out clothes for each other. You can buy a movie, just as cheap as going. Check out the new outdoors stuff, Flowers, grills and lawn furniture. Look and see what's on CLEARANCE. Browse through the automotive, might have oil on sale, LOL. If it's a super walmart, go get some dessert, frozen caramel pie, strawberries, brownies, whatever. So now you have spent a couple of hours at walmart learning about each other and have dessert and a movie. LOL

Movies, if there is anything you would like to see
Ice/roller skating
Sports bar, grab some food and play pool
Local Pizza Pub (not Pizza Hut or Papa Johns, real pizza)
Walk in the park
Go to the Mall
Invite friends over **
Grill out
Order Pizza (Papa Johns is cool for home)
Make your own Pizza (might turn out interesting)
Call friends and see if they know of anything goin on

Ok I know this is an absolute mood killer for you know "the mood", but does she have any lil bros or sisters? Take them out with ya and do somthing FOR them... You and her can be the chaperones, and take her siblings out for fun... ice cream, a disney movie or something like that... Cheesy I know... Seems we are all thinking of pretty cheesy things... cant believe were admitting them outloud to the masses on the board... guess we are secure enough with who we are... haha... Ill keep thinking...

nah they arent cheesy....i like a few of them

this friday if it isnt raining again we are going to go way out in the country and pitch a blanket on the ground and look at the stars.....then maybe if she feels like staying with me that night we may just stay out there long enough to watch the sun rise.....just something she's been wanting to do and i think we finally will get to do it.......

stars in the city give no justice for what you see away from the city lights......gotta love the outdoors!

Originally posted by MO_GUY
gotta love the outdoors!
Yep, sounds cool...

I try to go camping a couple times a year.....
We got to see a meteor shower one night.
Just wish I had a boat.......

i'd have to second harry's idea there. that's a good one. if you have a galyan's nearby.. they have walls and let you climb for free. real indoor climbing centers are much better though.

there actually is a galyans in st. louis but its a really busy place cause its in a new mall so we wouldnt get much climbing done that way.......maybe there is another place around here that does that stuff......ill check it out
