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Brian all I can say is OUUUCCCHHHHH! that had to hurt. Was that the tread wrights that did that. Or did you hit something that caused it. I was thinking about ordering a set but after looking at this I may be rethinking it

Order them. They're awesome. It happened 5 hours ago and I already have a response back from their warranty department.

Nicely done. How did you manage that?

I hit something small lying in the road while driving down the highway at like 75mph. All I heard was CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK then saw the piece of rubber fly into the air.

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Cool you mean there is still a business in the Good ole USA that has costumer service that you can tallk to

Glad you are okay and that they are stepping up to the plate!!!

Glad you are okay and that they are stepping up to the plate!!!

Yeah their customer service is awesome. Funny thing is I don't feel it when I'm driving. It's feels normal.

Whaaaaaaa, That much tire loss and your tire isn't outa balance? Two years ago snow in the spokes threw mine off balance.

Whaaaaaaa, That much tire loss and your tire isn't outa balance? Two years ago snow in the spokes threw mine off balance.

That's what you'd think... I drove the 20 miles home with it and it still rolls smooth, just pulls to the right a hair. Maybe it's just me.

^ Nice! Like the tail lights!

Almost 10 years old, and still looking damn good.



Thanks! Your tail lights look pretty good too! I'm liking that light bar you got. Nothing real fancy but gets the job done. Got a clean look to it. Looks good! Do you by any chance have pictures of the brackets that mount to the X?

Thanks! Your tail lights look pretty good too! I'm liking that light bar you got. Nothing real fancy but gets the job done. Got a clean look to it. Looks good! Do you by any chance have pictures of the brackets that mount to the X?

Thanks! And yes I do, let me dig around for them. I'll pm you.

It took me about 3 days to read over this entire thread! I enjoyed every page and learned a lot!

It's been exactly 1 week since I purchased my 5th Ford Explorer


After the clear corners and window tints

I am looking into getting the fender /bumper / side moldings that a lot of the Limited come with. Anyone know where I can get these?

I personally think it would be hard to find those pieces. Places to look are junkyards part outs on craigslist. There is asking karl [thread=213257] HERE[/Thread], other than that you'll be stuck with high prices from the dealership directly, or Ford Parts Giant or LMC Truck.
Edit Again: There Are many others like Rock Auto check [thread=103] this one[/thread] there are a lot of polite vendors here on this site.
Hers a picture of the original parts and there Ford Parts Giant numbers, you can check their numbers for the OEM part numbers,

Hopefully my links take you to the correct pages, if not let me know I'll work on them.

Welcome to the site there are many interesting threads to read I and many others would suspect that the most famous or infamous is [thread=18595] located here[/thread].
Any other questions fell free to ask.

hello my names mick this is my first post ,, hope im doing this right. 2004 limited v8 w goodies

Nice looking x kid, what type of goodies do you bring us?

then i got a flip down tv and a indash dvd


and i have a memphis mojo amp and an extra battery hooked up to it, all top of the line.

my brakes are making a noise though , like its a bent caliper or something i i dunno.

thanks for lookin


New shoes!


New leaf spring for sport..



Mods: Flowmaster Original.
K&N Cold Air Intake
Led Taillights
Hid Headlights 12k
Plastidip Rims
Blue lights on interior and exterior
Black Grille
Blacked Emblem
Kenwood Deck

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