Think the tranny went this mornin', need help! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Think the tranny went this mornin', need help!

try and see what haapens.

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would it even be worth it to do a tranny fluid/filter change?

I would say no,give me 20 minutes and I will post a diagram of the lockup harness so you can unplug it.I have to find it in my FSM.:D

Ok,it appears to be on the left side,I will go out and take a photo of mine and post it also.

There are 2 of them,I think it is the first or forward plug.If in doubt unplug them both,it will affect 3-4 gear but you just want to see if it will move after you unplug it.

The front one is for the lock-up and shift solenoid (4 wires, sorta square connector). The one further back is for your neutral start and reverse lights (5 wires, round connector).

You should be able to just disconnect the wireing harness on the drivers side, near the shift selector on the trans. Elbow

I don't think a fluid and filter change will help unless the filter is sooooo gunked up that it won't allow for hydraulic operation but that is rare. As the folks, smarter than suggest that it is the torque converter...Samething happened to my automatic s-10 blazer many moons ago.
You say this is your baby...if it is in good reliable shape and you need a new tranny, it would be worth saving up about $1,700 to put a rebuilt in by a tranny shop. Where can you get a good used car for $1,700????

If its an electrical problem, the simple solution would be to unplug the wiring for the converter and try to put it in gear. If the truck dies its mechanical, if it stays running its electrical.

This is assuming that it really is a converter problem.

alright, just got the chance to do the disconnect and I did the farthest one forward, no change. Now since that's the torque converter mechanically locked up? Anything I can do to change that or do I have to change out the torque convertor? Got the time but not alot of money since I just got laid off. Any help will be awesome! Plus I gotta say thanks to everyone for all the help!

Same thing happened to me when I first got my Ex. Would run fine, but when put into gear just wouldn't work. It acted like it was in neutral.

It was the torque converter that had seized. The transmission was rebuilt (I don't know if it was necessary to do the whole thing, but I know the two go hand in hand so it's possible) and that solved it. Unfortunately, that's not a simple "Just do this and it works" deal.

Good luck to you man.

Same thing happened to me when I first got my Ex. Would run fine, but when put into gear just wouldn't work. It acted like it was in neutral.

It was the torque converter that had seized. The transmission was rebuilt (I don't know if it was necessary to do the whole thing, but I know the two go hand in hand so it's possible) and that solved it. Unfortunately, that's not a simple "Just do this and it works" deal.

Good luck to you man.

so you relace the tc to fix it or rebuilt the tranny?

so you relace the tc to fix it or rebuilt the tranny?

It was the day I bought it, so the used dealer I bought it from had to fix it under warranty (thank god). The transmission was rebuilt. I don't know if it was necessary, but I don't think he would have if it wasn't.

Well at least you know it's not the ECU screwing up keeping it locked,the cheap way is junkyard TC if you have the time and tools to replace it.:D

I had no idea that the tranny was made in France!

Well that would explain why there's so many problems with them!

Just kidding, nothing against our French members. :)

Yeah, ford sold the factory a couple years back but the company has still been manufacturing parts and trannys for ford till the contracts up next year.

Alright, after all the troubleshooting and questions and answers I finally broke down and called the old man. He's been a general/ diesiel mechanic for over 32 years. I went through everything with him and he was actually impressed with the little info I knew about it. Step mom has a 92 Eddie bauer edition and he asked me everything it was doing and said it's probably the tc. So Ive decided to take it on and over the next few days I'm changing it out. Wish me luck!

Alright, finally got the time and today got her up on jacks. Pulled the starter and pulled the tc bolts. Got the tranny drained and pan 4 bolted then dropped the driveline. Gotta head to class next is connectors and dropping the tranny. Lots work but inbetween school and new job interview tommorrow it seems like an eternity left! Thanks again for all you guys help!

Just did the tranny swap on my 91. Have plenty of jacks. I used an atv jack and 2 floor jacks. There are some good writeups on this forum and I had a manual to look at.

It wasn't the easiest swap I have ever done. T-case is pretty light so that helps. When putting it back together it took me a LONG time to get the bellhousing bolts lined up at the same time lining up the torque converter to flexplate studs.

I pulled the center console and took the door sill trim loose, pulled the kick panels, and peeled the carpet back and there is a removeable panel on the hump of the floor. That gave me some access.

Best advise I can give is I used a 3 foot extension with a CV wobble joint to get the bellhousing bolts. It was a lifesaver.

I hope you have a good selection of metric sockets and wrenches.

My knuckles will heal eventually.

got the bottom two bell housing bolts off but cannot budge the ones on the drivers side. PB blaster and alot of destroyed knuckles and nothing. i need any tips i can guys. this is ridiculous.

use a 6 sided socket, not a 12 point, so you are working with the edges not just the tips. Also put a leverage bar on your breaker bar/ratchet.

Take the crossmember off and lower the tranny down to get a better angle on the bolt heads.

The single long extension was the key for me.

ive got the crossmember out and thee engine and tranny on jacks and lowered. will try the 6 point today. got a long extenstion and u joint socket. just cant seem to get enough leverage on it. going to attack to passenger side today the drivers side will not break loose. my knuckles are like hamburger....

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sounds like u are on the right track, those bolts have some real torque on them so u may have to use a cheater of some type. and possible a little heat.....
