Throttle Position Sensor question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Throttle Position Sensor question


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT
Could anyone tell me what the connection leds to the Throttle Position Sensor should be reading with an ohm meter? I have unplugged the battery, switched on the headlights to drain any charge, waited 15 minutes to clear the engine computer codes, replaced the sensor with a new one. Reconnected the battery, drove it to re-learn the codes, but the computer still reads out a problem with the sensor. Is there a trick to replacing a throttle position sensor? Thanks for the replies people.:D

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I think the sensor signal is supposed to read .96V.

One of the three wires should read about 5v, it's the reference wire. One should read about .96v, it's the signal wire. (If you're checking an unplugged wireing harness, this wire will show 0v.) The other is a ground wire, and when checked with an ohmmeter should read a complete circuit (continuity) with the other meter probe grounded.

Check for the ground wire first, with the key off. After you find the ground, probe the other two with the voltmeter and find the one with 5v with the key on. This is the reference wire. The one that's left will be the signal wire.

Hope this helps some.

Thanks 95limited for your post on the sensor. I adjusted mine to .96v and it runs like it was a new engine.:D
