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ThrottleBody Spacer

it is not wise to add one it adds extreme amounts of power you will blow a head gasket or sling a rod don't add one unless you liek to drive fast also make fuel economy go up at least fifty percent unless you want big power and gas mileage dont do it

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ChopinOn22s said:
it is not wise to add one it adds extreme amounts of power you will blow a head gasket or sling a rod don't add one unless you liek to drive fast also make fuel economy go up at least fifty percent unless you want big power and gas mileage dont do it
Do you happen to sell these on Ebay with your performance chips and "superchargers"? ;)

Yeah, and if you use a TBS with a Tornado you will get 500HP and 50mpg.

Maybe this thread should be renamed......"How can I do a better burnout in my First gen" or "How do I get my first gen to do under 12 seconds" .

It's been atleast a couple of weeks since someone asked that. :D

Geesh, you guys crack me up. :burnout:
