Thump from switches | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thump from switches


Well-Known Member
September 3, 2008
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City, State
London, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Limited
hey everyone, i have recently installed a sub and amp in my explorer with a line output converter. Every time i switch something on, hammer on the gas, put into drive, things like that it causes a thump to come from the sub, any ideas
help appreciated

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What's the power and ground to the amp like?

they are both fine

most people think they have "fine" grounds...but using an existing bolt is not a good practice as these areas are usually high resistance points.

I would also ground the HU chassis to the amp chassis to reduce noise

You have a poor ground. The converters are normally cheap and low voltage, doesn't help. Did you run your rca cables or converter next to your power wire? It will pick up the interference. You can band-aid the problem by buying a noise decoupler. They just plug inline of the rca cables and clean up the signal somehow. Last time I bought one they where like 20 bucks.

the remote turn on and the rca cable are on the passenger side and the power wire is on the driver side, i have it grounded under that little flap thing behind the back seat

where would be a better place to ground?

i would drill a hole and ground to the frame...or you can go through the little boot that is under the flap to get underneath the body.

I would also upgrade the body to frame grounds
