Thumping comming from front | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thumping comming from front


Well-Known Member
January 26, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Omaha, Ne
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 XLT
i have a thumping comming from the front of my explorer. its not all the time just once in a while and as soon as i tap the breaks it goes away for a while. i have been told it could be the cv joints or u joint (dont know how that could be) but i am running out of usually happens when im coasting..and yes ive searched for it but i havent found a thread about it and after 6 pages of looking through threads it gets a little any help would be thankful!

edit- its a 1996, 4.0 with 126k on the engine...just replaced the tranny about 6k ago...started doing it about 2-3k after tranny was put in if that helps..i took it to the place that the tranny was put in and they said nothing was wrong...but they didnt put it on a lift or anything they just took it for a test drive

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I have a "wump-wump-wump" sound coming from the passenger side front of my '96, too. It only happens between 30-40 mph. I'm guessing it's a bad belt in the tire but could be a bearing going bad, too. I just read a thread about loose caliper bolts. Seeing as you can temporarily cure the problem by tapping the brakes, you might want to check for loose bolts.

Good Luck - Dave.

i might do that, seeing as i just bought new tires about 2k ago..

had the same issue - t-case - just swapped in a different one - problem solved

did it do it when 4WDH wasnt engauged, mine isnt AWD..
