tire fell off | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tire fell off

i drive a stock 93 explorer sport with 33s, today i was pulling out of the gas station were i work and my front end drops and i see my front left tire and wheel roll out in front of me. all i can figure is somehow the lugs worked themselfves off or someone loostened them. long story short got the wheel back on but i had to take my fender off to drive

The same thing happened to me about a year ago. I was on the highway and the wheel bearing just fell apart and the wheel, rotor, caliper and all came right off and rolled down the highway. Made a thread about it too, probably a few pages back by now.

happened to me idk some time last winter, mine was that one lug loosened and then ended up breaking the entire (i cant think of the work right now so...) lug bolt so then the rest of the lugs loosed off nice and easy, left a gash in the road about twenty feet long, had to walk through ice cold water to get my wheel back

yikes luckly u didnt get hurt
