Tire help!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tire help!!!


New Member
December 28, 2012
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2000 Explorer Eddie Bauer
Hey guys so I need new tires...right now i have a set of 255/70/16 Michelin LTX's. They have 76,000 miles on them, but after some ball joint issues, they have worn on the inside wall. Here's my question...I have some choices. With 204K miles on it, I don't want to put too too much money into the tires, but I need something that's good on the road and off (just mild off-roading). I like the look of an AT tire.

i have been told that when people put AT tires on they normally go up a size? Is this true?

What are the best tires for your money in this case and what sizes do you recommend?

The local tire guy has some Wild Country for a good price but I have never heard anything about them. Any advice? Thanks!

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The Michelin LTX M/S or M/S2 tires are very highly regarded, if that's what you're using.
Unfortunately, they are also one of the more expensive tires. Not unheard of people getting
over 100K on them. Hard to step down after 76K of good service, you get what you pay for.

You can get AT tires in stock sizes, i think alot of people get larger than stock because they plan on wheelin and can use the added ground clearance
Me and several friends are all runnin BFGoodrich A/Ts, they can be a lil pricey, but they hold up good, get good traction, and are a really popular tire

Look on door jamb sticker for size. My EB has 255/70-16. Tires are Goodyear Wrangler RT/S - I think those where the OE tires.
It's a rough ride on highway, feel all the small bumps, you will have nothing similar to the smooth ride that you have now.
I think that all A/T tires will fare the same due to thicker sidewalls.
