Tire Review (Goodyear Fortura Triple Tread) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tire Review (Goodyear Fortura Triple Tread)

I tried submitting a review on the tire review part of this site, but i got an error in IE7 so i couldnt.

But anyways, I have a 95 Explorer Limited, i switched out the stock ghetto rims for some off of a 2003 Explorer Limited. So the tire size on those is P245/70/R16, i dont remember what the original stock size was, i think P235/75/R15 so i went bigger.

On the new rims came Goodyear Wranger AP's, and they are by far the worst tire i have ever had, they hydroplane all over, and are not good in snow, and also make a lot of road noise.

So they were really bald, so i decided to get new tires on the old ex. I decided to get the triple treads because the truck is never off road, and i live in Michigan so i need something that will work good in snow/ice/rain etc.

Overall impressions of the tire: They look awsome on the truck, it is amazing how little road noise they have, and the ride is very much improved with them as well. We had to drive in a really bad ice storm yesterday and while i did slip in a few places i never slipped while braking and made it home safe, while a lot of other people ended up in the ditch.

I am really interested in seeing how they do in snow, and rain. Im guessing that anything is an improvement over the AP's. I will also post some pictures of it later, right now the truck is a mess, went down an ice overed dirt road last night... lol. Let me wash it first!

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If they are anything like the Tripletreds on my g/f's 05 Accord LXSE coupe, then they will do great in snow and rain.

I want to see the third gen wheels bolted up, especially profile pics.

here are some old pics with the Wranger AP's on it:


I get what you're saying about the Triple Treads. No pics needed to understand the awesome road handling ability of these meats. Oily rain slicked LA streets are no problem for these tires. My Sport used to run on Michelin Xs and on the road they sucked compared to these Goodyears. My most fun to date was taking a ricer Acura RSX on the outside of the 270 degree interchange between the north 110 to west 10 in downtown LA. :D

WITH My previous tire knowledge from working at Discount Tire...

they are great tires all around, the one thing i would suggest to you and not to forget, Keep Them Rotated Regularly front to back (6000-8000 miles). if they do start to cup on the inside from lack of rotation they will start to make noise that will just get louder and louder, and there is nothing you can do to eliminate it without buying a new set, other than that they are great tires

WITH My previous tire knowledge from working at Discount Tire...

they are great tires all around, the one thing i would suggest to you and not to forget, Keep Them Rotated Regularly front to back (6000-8000 miles). if they do start to cup on the inside from lack of rotation they will start to make noise that will just get louder and louder, and there is nothing you can do to eliminate it without buying a new set, other than that they are great tires

thanks, that is some great advice! i usually don't rotate my tires unless the rears are showing significant treat loss compared to the front. So ill keep that in mind with my new investment.

Thanks again!
