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November 4, 2006
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City, State
Union City, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Mountaineer
Can anyone tell me what sizes will fit on the stock mountaineer rims?

I am thinking about going with 245/75/16's but dont know if they will fit with out rubbing. I know there was a 16 inch option on these vehicles.

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Check the door jamb for your OE size.

The Eddie Bower and Limited came from factory with 16x7.0J rims and P255/70R16SL tires.

I run Bridgestone 255/70 16's on my 2000 XLT. Shouldn't have any problem with the sidewall being 5mm higher. Make sure you double check the load rating on the tyre along with what SoNic67 said with the load chart in your door jamb.

Don't forget about the effects of different size tires on your speedometer. A larger size tire will also affect your power, though you may not notice much difference until your transmission starts kicking down more on hills, assuming you have an automatic. Just something to think about.

I run Bridgestone 255/70 16's on my 2000 XLT.

Don't forget about the effects of different size tires on your speedometer.

Agreed- I run 255/70 16's and my speedo is off about 3mph at 70mph... You can have it fixed at the dealer, but since my Ex had been run with larger tires for about 125,000-175,000 miles and the wrong speedo/odo info, I haven't bothered since I have no idea of what the actual miles are, but about 10% off. I just haven't done it yet.
