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Toyota suspends sales and production in U.S...

and the priuses are having a regenerative braking problem to my understanding.

There might be a problem with the 2010 model - or it might just be new owners that aren't used to regenerative braking - kind of hard to tell, but there are some vocal new owners. Good reason not to buy the first model year after a redesign - let others shake out the first year issues. :p:

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Heard some more bad crap about Toyota this morning.
It's just a matter of time before you will hear about some top Toyota executive committing harakiri over this.

...Now they are talking about Prius headlights that shut off without warning..:(

...Now they are talking about Prius headlights that shut off without warning..:(

HID headlights will go out and you can get them to come back on by turning them off and on again. This happens when the bulb is about to burn out for good. Not specific to the Prius, but a lot of them have HID headlights (mine does). There was some confusion at the dealers where they would tell you that you needed a new headlight ECU when the bulb burned out ($$). Toyota sent a letter recently to say that they would reimburse owners who paid for a repair where the dealer replaced the ECU. They also lowered the price of the replacement bulb from $300 to $150 (you can get them for less aftermarket - $93 for the same exact bulb as OEM). I haven't had any issues with mine in the 3 years I have had the car.

It is the case of the news media throwing everything they can at Toyota right now. Just think back to the Firestone tire recall and how some claimed that Ford was responsible for creating a deathtrap that would roll over and kill people. Same thing.

I've been following this and suspect that we will be hearing about this in another year. I get a strong feeling that little piece of metal isn't going to fix the problem. They had to act immediately and this was expedient.more sluggish complaints of the pedal before it actually got to sticking.

Maybe some day all cars will be equipped with a big red emergency stop button as we move to fly by wire electronics.

Maybe some day all cars will be equipped with a big red emergency stop button as we move to fly by wire electronics.

Emergency shutdown procedure for the Toyota cars with push button start (called SKS for Smart Key System) is to press and hold the Power button for 3 sec. On the Prius, that shuts down the hybrid system and leaves you in N so you can coast or brake to a stop.

...^^^ now that there is funny...:D

...Today was the first day for Toyota in court...

...And these are starting to appear all over...:D

What year is your Prius?

Mine is a 2007.

BTW, I have tested mine by flooring the accel pedal and then stepping on the brake with my left foot. My car will come to a stop in less than 3 sec from 40 mph with the accel pedal held to the floor.

That is one reason that I'm skeptical about the report from yesterday. He did several things wrong:

1. He should have shifted to N. He says he didn't because he was "afraid the car would flip over." :rolleyes:

2. He said he pushed the Power button repeatedly, but nothing happened. However he was able to shut the car down when the CHP told him to hold the button. So, he never bothered to read the manual or the recall notice about the floor mats because he would have known how to do it.

3. He said that he was on the brakes "pretty healthy" but the car wouldn't slow down. My experience is that the car slows pretty fast even with the accel pedal pegged to the floor.

Here is a video Toyota made; my car reacts about the same as the 2010 Prius in the video:


Heard some more bad crap about Toyota this morning.
It's just a matter of time before you will hear about some top Toyota executive committing harakiri over this.

lets hope he doesnt drive a toyota to the place where the harakiri is to be performed. :roll:

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