TPMS - wheels I'm buying aren't set up for it? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TPMS - wheels I'm buying aren't set up for it?


Well-Known Member
September 28, 2006
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Dallas, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Explorer XLT
I'm thinking about buying some wheels that do not have the TPMS sensors in them. Is there any way to disable the alarm that will continue to go off in my truck or ist there anyway for them to fit the new wheels?

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You take the sensors out of the stock wheels and fit them to the new wheels. I just did this to mine - only takes the tyre guys about 2 minutes longer per rim.

you can buy a kit that bands them to the wheels, and use regular valve stems

you can buy a kit that bands them to the wheels, and use regular valve stems

On an '02-'07 explorer the stock rims come with the senders attached to the valve stem. If there is an aftermarket system that works with the factory TPMS utilising aftermarket senders, I would be very interested, as I can throw them on my spare set of sand rims. If anyone has a link to these aftermarket senders, I would be very grateful.

Anyone figure out how to disable the TPMS. When I go off road I air down to 12 PSI and it is becoming a bit annoying listening to the alarm go off every 5 min.

I work on Fords for a living. No way to disable the TPMS warning that I know of.
