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Tranfer case magnetic drain plug


Active Member
July 10, 2003
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Waterloo, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT 4X4 SOHC
The last time I changed my tranfer case fluid was about four years ago, when I added a magnetic drain. I have just finished changing the fluid, and was surprised to see very little in the way of metal filings on the magnet. Also, the fluid was only half of what should have come out.

Does anyone know if this would have cause any damage? I am assumeing that the TC chain is only in use when in 4WD, so the only thing I am worried about would be the bearings at the top of the TC. Is there a way for the fluid to get up to the top to lube the bearings?

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Originally posted by bluestream
I am assumeing that the TC chain is only in use when in 4WD, so the only thing I am worried about would be the bearings at the top of the TC. Is there a way for the fluid to get up to the top to lube the bearings?

Problem is that with the Control Trac, you are always in 4wd, the electromagnetic clutch pulses on and off. In the case where there is no difference in front and rear driveshaft speed, the clutch is pulsed on about 4% of the time.

Also, (at least on the 97's) there is a magnet inside the case already. Unfortunately, you must tear apart the case to get to it to clean it. This may explain why you aren't seeing anything on your mag plug.

I think there may be an oil pump to supply the top bearings, but I need to check the service manual to say for sure.

I should have been more clear here, as I was refering to my 1991 Explorer. I did change the fluid on both vehicles today, and added a magnetic drain plug on the 2000 as well.

I used Castrol DextronIII/Mercon ATF in both, I hope that was the correct fluid

Mercon ATF is the recommended fluid for both, I'm pretty sure.

I found this in my 97 service manual for the BW 1354 which should be the same as your 91. It indicates that there is an oil pump which runs off of the rear output shaft. As long as you had enough lube to reach the pickup point, you are probably ok


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Thanks, I feel somewhat better.

I think I have a worn seal at the transfer case output shaft, my next project.

I expect that the Castrol ATF meets Mercon and Dextron Specs.

How does this pump work in normal everyday driving? I'm a little confused because the pump allows the manual shifted T/C to be flat towed while in N, however, this is not possible on a push-button T/C. Would this imply that the pump is only actuated when the T/C shifter is in N or that the manual shifted 1354 is the only one with a pump?

The electronic shift version does not have a selectable neutral (so you can't flat tow) but it does have an oil pump which is driven by the rear output, according to this description that I found in the 97 service manual.


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Thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't sure. I did know that the E shift could not be towed. I had one of those in my first X.
