Tranny repaired itself ??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tranny repaired itself ???


New Member
August 9, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
95 2X4 ltd.
Bought this very clean 1995 2 x 4 ltd with 94k miles last March. About 2 months later I felt a very slight shifting delay every now and then. Then the O/D off light started blinking. Brought it to the local transmission shop and he drove it for about 15 mins. and advised that he thought the tranny was ok but I needed a new thermostat as the engine wasn't getting to proper operating temp. The code from the O/D light was something referencing the 3rd to 4th gear shifting. Replaced the thermostat and everything was fine. A month and a half later, I put it in reverse and it sounded and felt like I was dragging a box of rocks under the truck. Limped home, let it sit for a week. Drove it to see if the problem was still there and it was, but not nearly as bad. A couple of days later, I experienced major slipping (O/D light blinking again) and limped home at 2 mph at 3,500 rpm's. I put in some Seafoam on a prayer with no results. Fast forward 2 months. Found a used 4R55E and bought it. Last Friday, I was getting ready for the guy to come R&R the tranny and wanted to make sure the truck would be able to drive up on the ramps. Started it up and there was no blinking O/D and it shifted and drove perfectly. I've driven it about 20 miles since and it's perfect ???!!!

Obviously, I'm not trusting the tranny to reliably drive any distance. I still plan to replace it. Just wondering if any transmission guys out there have any insights into this strange series of events. Thanks and sorry
for the long post.

Also, the valve body was replaced by the dealership 2 years ago at 86,000 miles.

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Isn't it nice when a well composed plan works out?

That sounds exactly like me but fast forward version. I'm draining out my tranny for the night and have the valve body replacement in the morning. I've got the crazy on and off OD OFF blinking light like you do and had to limp back everytime it lights up or else I had to disconnect the battery and wait 5 minutes to reset the PCM every 10-15 miles. And all this acted up from a tranny flushed last month. As of now, I have two rebuilt 4R55E sitting here in my garage and ready to put in at any moment when needed. They really are not too reliable and if I were you I'll put the new tranny in. Why take chances and get stranded somewhere when it will actually go out for good.

If you don't mind me asking, how much is the guy going to charge for installing your tranny in? I got quotes of anywhere from 300-400.00 but decided on doing it myself because last year one guy did it and he cut the y pipe off but weld it back after tranny was in and he charges me 300.00 for it.

I doubt it fixed itself.. If they scanned the tranny for codes and it referenced shifting from 3rd to 4th it could be a shift solenoid or another solenoid on the valve body. Either way I'd look at the 4R55E rebuild diary about replacing your solenoids. Those things do typically need replacing after a certain amount of miles.

R&R charge

If you don't mind me asking, how much is the guy going to charge for installing your tranny in? I got quotes of anywhere from 300-400.00 but decided on doing it myself because last year one guy did it and he cut the y pipe off but weld it back after tranny was in and he charges me 300.00 for it.

The shop wanted $400, the individual was going to charge $200.

That's 200.00 is a bargain, as long as he won't cut your Y pipe off with a torch.:D
