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tranny/transfer case


Well-Known Member
February 26, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 mercury mountaineer
Ok another thing. took my car into aamco. checked out tranny. they did a road test and said tranny feels ok and shift points feel good. they did not find any leaks but the fluid was low and then they checked transfer case and said fluid was over full. so they said they think the seal between the 2 went bad so the fluid is going between the 2? any ideas. they said they would have to pull transfer case and replace seal. how hard would that be to do? and does anyone think that would be the problem?

still need some help on this please. im not really buying the whole thing about fluid going back and forth between tranny and transfer case. NOTHING is leaking anywhere. think maybe i should just had a complete flush done or spend the bucks to have tranny really looked at?
Any help. My transfer case is overfilled again and no visable leaks

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Ok another thing. took my car into aamco. checked out tranny. they did a road test and said tranny feels ok and shift points feel good. they did not find any leaks but the fluid was low and then they checked transfer case and said fluid was over full. so they said they think the seal between the 2 went bad so the fluid is going between the 2? any ideas. they said they would have to pull transfer case and replace seal. how hard would that be to do? and does anyone think that would be the problem?

Sounds like poor speculation on the part of Aamco to me. How low was the tranny level, how overfull was the transfer case level, and is there any indication of external losses (i.e. leakage). If their view is that the delta between the two is equivalent, they shoud be able to validate that assumption with data.

Pulling the transfer case and replacing the seal would not be cheap, and I for one, am not buying it.

So why did you go to Aamco - was there a problem with the tranny/transfer case that led you there?

well there a different problem with service engine light being on and they do free scans there. i did forget to mention that on friday the day before i took it to aamco the overdrive light came on and started blinking really fast and the display on the instraument panel said check tranny. once my wife got to where she was going and got in the car to come back the light never came back on and i have driven it in all types of ways from hills to flat, hard acceration to soft to try and get it to come back on before taking it to aamco but never came back on. if you break REALLY REALLY almost to point of kicking on ABS or corner sharp and fast tranny shifts into neatural and takes a while to kick back in gear. guy at aamco says its cuz fluid probably goes into transfer case cuzing fluid to be low in tranny.???????????

guy at aamco says its cuz fluid probably goes into transfer case cuzing fluid to be low in tranny.???????????

i'm not to sure about that. For starters there is a transmission output seal and there also is a seal on the transfer case. I doubt both would leak, and if they did you should see fluid leaking between the two.

Someone should be able to pull codes from the trans and it will tell you whats wrong, or read a stored code, hopefully.

I'd top both off maybe change the filter on the trans and then cross your fingers and hope thats it. Otherwise, the o/d and Check trans came on when mine went.

ok. ya im hoping maybe a fluid change would help. it has only came on once when my wife was driving but i would think Aamco being a transmission place would be able to pull codes that were stored. what could explain the tranny being low and the transfercase being to full?

still need a little help with this? anything would be great?

Hey everyone I know this is old. But its doing same thing again. Transfer case is over filled. And I think transfer case is bad. How hard is it to change rear seal on transmission if I already have transfer case out replacing that thanks

If the transfer case is overfilled just take the fill plug out and let the excess fluid drain. You could do a transfer case flush and fill too.

Just add ATF fluid if the transmission fluid is low and observe if problem is still there.

