transfer case output shaft flang | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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transfer case output shaft flang


New Member
March 25, 2012
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 ford explorer EB
need some help i have a 99 explorer EB, with 4.0 SOHV transfer case 4405, I replaced the transfer case no issues putting it is untill i tried putting in the flang on the output shaft of the TC, my issue is that it slides all the way in and it hit the casing of the TC. I used the old washer and nut also used the old rubber washer but not in very good shape tried to find another with no luck. any help would be great.

need some help i have a 99 explorer EB, with 4.0 SOHV transfer case 4405, I replaced the transfer case no issues putting it is untill i tried putting in the flang on the output shaft of the TC, my issue is that it slides all the way in and it hit the casing of the TC. I used the old washer and nut also used the old rubber washer but not in very good shape tried to find another with no luck. any help would be great.

Did the replacement Xfr. case come with no U-joint flange? Is it the same model as the old one? Could it have been disassembled and put back together with a part missing, which caused the "stack-up" of internals to be incorrect length, allowing the flange to not "bottom" properly on the internal parts? I believe the flange butts up against the output shaft bearing, which suggests something is amiss there. I don't have my shop manuals here, sorry. imp

no u-joint flang, and yes its the same model at least thats whats on the case, so it need to sit on the bearings ok thanks.
