transfer case/ trans saver | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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transfer case/ trans saver

Gary Simpson

April 8, 2006
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97' Ford Explorer
hardcore wheelers if u want to extend your life of your case use synthetic ATF and a shot of lucas. Believe me it does the trick

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What Lucas stuff are you talking about? The friction modifier type stuff?


ExplorerDMB said:
What Lucas stuff are you talking about? The friction modifier type stuff?


lucas oil.... they have all sorts of stuff, tranny stuff, octane booster, oil additive

it would be the trans stuff

jimbo74 said:
lucas oil.... they have all sorts of stuff, tranny stuff, octane booster, oil additive

Right, I just didn't know which "additive" he was talking about that makes it better


dont worry wat he said just get the trans additive
