Transfer case/Transmission problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transfer case/Transmission problems

Chris Harrach

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Atlanta, Ga.
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Eddie Bauer 4WD
Ive been dealing with a bad Borg Warner 4405 TC since July, and Im about to replace it. However, in the last 3 weeks or so I noticed that I no longer seem to have Overdrive. The dash light doesnt come on and depressing the O/D on off button on the shifter doesnt do anything.

Also, Ive had a few instances where Reverse won't engage (which produces a sort of grinding/whirring sound similar to the bad Transfer case) as well as park. This is usually overcome by putting it in drive & driving forward for a few minutes, after which, everything goes back to normal. There's never any warning for this which makes parking a challenge.

Now for the BIG QUETIONS:

1. Will the upcoming replacement of the bad Transfer Case resolve these problems? Im sure it has a lot to do with it.

2. Will replacing the various sensor on the Transmission solve the problem?(Speed sensor & Overdrive sensor first come to mind)

3. Should I just replace the Transmission along with the Transfer Case???

Any thoughts and advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.:salute:

Chris Harrach

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The transfer case has nothing to do with a "no reverse" drive problem, if it provides vehicle movement in the forward direction. imp

i would have to respectfully disagree with that last poster. The reverse problem sounds like a typical transfer case propblem, especially when you think about transmissions. Once they act up, like a gear not engaging, they dont come back. However, the fork in the transfer case is not holding the gear in place and when in a forward gear it will hold unless you decelerate at about 40-50 mph in which case you are probably getting the same noise. I just fixed one of these today with the help of the transfer case rebuild diary on here. All the info on there made this fix a piece of cake.
As to your original questions, i am sure the new transfer case would fix your reverse problem. It probably wont fix your overdrive problem, if in fact it isnt working. Depending on how sure you are that it is not working and if you are going to be paying someone to swap the transfer case, it would save some labor time to swap a trans at the same time. Maybe one of the others on here will chime in about overdrive problems/solutions. Good Luck

I appreciate all the information. The more I think about it, the more Im inclined to go ahead and replace the transmission. However if I do, I want to replace it with a regular rear wheel drive and forget about the 4WD completly, since I dont need 4WD. Would any regular transmission fit, or would I have any problems fitting it in? Also, would there be any type of modifications required?:salute:

I appreciate all the information. The more I think about it, the more Im inclined to go ahead and replace the transmission. However if I do, I want to replace it with a regular rear wheel drive and forget about the 4WD completly, since I dont need 4WD. Would any regular transmission fit, or would I have any problems fitting it in? Also, would there be any type of modifications required?:salute:

I'll try not to make any more mistakes here......:(

If you throw out the transfer case, your old driveshaft will be too short, as I believe the transmissions are only made with one length of output shaft, the only difference between 2WD and 4WD being the rear cover housing (once called "extension housing") used on 2WD in place of the transfer case.

You could leave A transfer case in place, proly not your present one, put in the new/rebuilt transmission, and just yank out the front driveshaft. imp
