Transmission Fluid on Back Window? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission Fluid on Back Window?


New Member
November 10, 2007
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I have a1992 explorer with155000 miles and when i was driving awhile ago i ran upon a problem. every time i came to stop, i had to press harder on the gas pedal tomake it go with every stop, seemed to shift fine after first gear, anyway long story short i made it home and theres tranny fluid every where onthe ground on the back window. now i put in drive and nothing. had the seals replaced and ran for about thirty miles then it started doing the same thing. I've heard everything from clogged transmission oil lines to a bad torque converter. nobody said my trannys bad, (is it?) whats wrong with it i want my exporer off roading again please help!

....welcome here..:D

...a bit more info would help...i take it you have an auto trans??? i am not a tranny guy but there are some really good tranny guys on here...i believe your tranny would be an a4ld ...i am thinking your problem would be the vb...there is also a a4ld rebuild thread that could be most helpful...good luck...;)

Welcome to this forum! I had this problem on my 89. It's coming from the front seal. These transmissions have a problem with the front seal blowing out when you are driving on the highway on a slight incline, have A/C on, or towing. Try turning the overdrive off, check the coolant level, the fan clutch, and the thermostat.
