transmission shift late | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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transmission shift late


New Member
January 25, 2018
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ford Explorer XLT
hi, i have a 2004 explorer, and when im accerlerating, it is taking so long to shift from 3rd to 4th to 5th. specially from 4th to 5th it does not shift until i hit 120km/h
i checked online regarding this and some said it is because need an transmission fluid change, did the fluid change and it is still the same.
anyone has any idea what the cause?

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I am not sure if the filter was replaced, as I took it to a shop. sorry as im new to this, which bands is it?

There are many brands for the filter. Take a look at the receipt or call the repair shop to see if they they replaced the filter. The wrong type of fluid could cause issues with shifting so find out what kind of fluid they used.

i will find out from the shop and see if they did change it or not. will keep it posted here.
