trouble removing caliper slide pins | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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trouble removing caliper slide pins


Let Them Eat Cake
Elite Explorer
May 13, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Cape Girardeau, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Sport 4x4
What's the best way to remove pesky caliper slide pins that won't come out?

I tried needlenose pliers, and so on and I couldn't do it. I don't have a lot of experience with brakes. Is there a trick, or special tool that helps?

Also, the rubber sandwiched between the slide rail pieces was deteriorated. Do slide pins need to be replaced? All I wanted to do was lube them, but if they need replacing I will get new ones.

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Get a flat serewdriver and and a hammer and start pounding away. I've found this works best. Robbie

right, either a screwdriver or an extension for your 3/8" socket.... and pound on it. If these babies are stuck you're looking into some brake problems....... these pins should be cleaned and greased every time you take them out. Caliper moves on these pins every time you hit brakes..... if they're stuck, caliper won't move and might keep pads rubbing against the rotor. That might lead to rotor warping or unnecessary pad/rotor usage.

Check them often.

replace them

Pound them out with a punch or screwdriver. They are cheap so replace them when you change pads. Check the slide surfaces before reinstalling make sure they are smooth.

Good luck

But what about those raised bumps that hold the caliper slide pins in place?

I beat the hell out of them with a punch and hammer and those bumps were keeping them from moving thru the caliper. They moved just fine until the raised bump contacted the caliper, then they wouldn't budge, and I couldn't squeeze them enough to push them through. Are you all SURE there's no trick to it?

do one bump at a time at an angle thats how i did it, when you get one move to the other one

those "bumps" should be no problem....... just go at them one at a time and then when they clear the caliper drive at the whole thing. Before puttingset-up together make sure surface on caliper and theis caliper pin should be clean and smooth.

Good luck,

Thanks for the tips!!! I will try it again this weekend if it's not so blasted humid. I will try to strike them at an angle, and harder. I have a tendency to destroy things by brute force so I will get new pins just in case I destroy the old ones getting them out. The rubber looked pretty far gone anyway.

rubber might look this way and it might be completely normal....... take your time, look at things real close... remember "Measure twice, cut once"


If you can't get the pins out by hitting each side at an angle you can have some one squeeze the pin with a pair of pliers and then pound it out with a 3/8" socket extension arm and hammer. i had trouble with one last time and this worked nicely.


Well I did it this morning, thanks to you guys advice. Man was it hot, even though I was in a garage with a fan going. I used a 3/8" socket extension like Dre suggested to pound them out, and this time I pounded on them at angles and a lot harder. It took some doing, those skrs were in there. When I put the new pins in, I did use a wrench to squeeze the ends down before I put them in. It worked like a charm.

I went ahead and replaced the old pins with new ones since they were cheap ($5). Anyone want some slightly used slide pins? eheh

I also put on some Performance Friction Carbon Metallic brake pads and I used the caliper slide grease in all the right places. The old pads were down some, but not completely gone, but with the new pads I can tell a noticeable improvement. Also there is no sticking of the caliper like it was doing before. The hardest part was getting the old pins out, and getting my tires back on the lugs, which has always been tricky for me.

I put the "cool" icon on this msg because you are all pretty cool for your advice. thanks again.
