Truck Bed Lighting | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Bed Lighting


November 7, 2012
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City, State
Vancouver BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Sport Trac
Any tips/advice/recommendations on some lighting for my ford explorers truck bed?



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You could get those flexible led strips from auto zone or similar store and put them on a toggle switch. Then you can tap into the bed outlet for power and mount the switch in the recess so its in reach but out of the way. I've used them in several different applications inside and outside and I'm happy with them.

you mean to light up the bed at night so you can see what youre doing? you can search for the "reverse light" mod. i read about it a while back where one of the members rigged his interior light switch to also turn on his reverse lights which would light up the bed of the truck.

or you could get a small LED light and mount it to the rear of a roof basket or crossbars if you have something like that. then you just point them down into the bed. show us what you come up with.

you mean to light up the bed at night so you can see what youre doing? you can search for the "reverse light" mod. i read about it a while back where one of the members rigged his interior light switch to also turn on his reverse lights which would light up the bed of the truck.

or you could get a small LED light and mount it to the rear of a roof basket or crossbars if you have something like that. then you just point them down into the bed. show us what you come up with.

That reverse light override mod is a sticky at the top of the ST forum.

Hmmm thanks for all the replys, no realy looking at the revers light idea, more strip lights to go under the over with a switch by the tail gate, with a car charger plug would be great then i can just stick them on plug them in to the outlet in the back and boom done

Do you have a bedcover, OEM or aftermarket? If its aftermarket run it just under the tracks the cover clamps to. I'd run the wires along the top of the bedsides either way. I would hook it up to a toggle switch so that you don't have a random wire dangling in your bed begging to get ripped off by something in the bed. Tap into the outlet back there for power and run a ground wire down to the frame. You might want to position the lights caddy-cornered to get more light but I'd test them before mounting because they are really bright so you might be able to just put one across from the other.
