TTB alignment in utah | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TTB alignment in utah


Elite Explorer
January 30, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Twin falls, ID
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
Ok so as some know i am currently lifting my X.. my question is does anyone in northern utah have a place that they trust to do a good alignment on a modified X???? I was thinking about firestone and their lifetime alignment but i have heard really bad things about them and dont want to waste my money.. I am going to get it as close as i can at home but still want a professional with a rack to dial it in.. So again the question at hand is, Does anyone in Northern utah, ogden to north salt lake, have a trustworthy shop that does their alignments on a modified X?? Thanks in advance!!!

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...Call Firestone tires and see if you cn get a lifetime alignment...;)

Thanks but as i said i have heard really bad things about them!!! Tire guys doing alignments on a TTB none the less!!! and do the lifetimes cover camber, caster, and toe? cause ive heard that the first time they will do all three but after that they tend to only worry about TOE!!!

..They do mine and it gets aligned 2-4 times year cause of trail damage and swapping parts over the past 4-5 years..

..I can get it aligned at any Firestone when needed..I bet I can even have them do it in Roy..;)

..Now if you are raising and lowering your truck frequently you will need to pay for the camber bushings I'm pretty sure..:hammer:

..I don't have adjustable's and don't really see the need myself and I know some shops will not align 2 piece adjustable's..Mine are the correct ones for each side as it was needed 5 years ago and haven't been changed..

..I do drive my trucks all over to where I am wheeling so a good alignment shop is a must especially when I get back home but as happened before, sometimes I need an alignment just to get home..They have done that for me..

..I understand the complaints part as I had an issue with my original store not wanting to do my alignment (not offroader friendly) and thought I was tking advantage of the program..I just took it to the next town over and had them do it..

..Now my original store is offroader friendly again and they have at least 4 wheelers working their and 1 of them owns a TTB so it's all good..

..Hey, I got the alignment from them to use it and not abuse it..I only get an alignment when I need it and sometimes I need it more often..:D

..You may also want to check with the other alignment shops and ask who else does a lifetime alignment and if so, whats the price?

..Would love to find some other options on this for other members but so far Firestone is the only one I know who was and is still doing it..

..If you are planning on keeping your truck a few years it will pay for itself quickly...Let us know what you find out..:popcorn:

Glad to see all the Info about the Alignment from Firestone ! , When i Get new tires i Will For sure Call There First , But i do Have A Question , If i have Bad Tires I Shouldn't Get An Alignment Right ? , I've heard its a Waste of Time , But My Rig Pulls Pretty Hard all The Time , And its not the Bearings or the brakes , Already fixed that , Thanks in Advance and Sorry If i Seemed To Thread Jack

The alignment is done by wheels not tires so the alignment can still be done!! but alot of places will tell you not to bother because even if it is in proper alignment if your tires are bad enough it may seem like the alignment wasn't done properly... make sense???

I better detail that better before someone jumps my @$$.. The alignment machine hooks to your wheels.. therefore toe is measured by front of wheels and back of wheels. Caster is measured by what angle your top and bottom balljoints are at. and camber is the angle your wheel/hub/knuckle are vertically.. So "technically" your tires have NOTHING to do with it!! BUT if your tires are already worn pretty badly from a misaligned front end then even if its properly aligned it may not feel like it?? There i think thats better!!

Thanks and yes I know The Differences Between the Camber Caster And Toe , And yes my tires have uneven wear up front from my lift coils being way too stiff and never really settled , so it gave me almost 3" of lift up front with coils over stock

Yeah I'm going to look into it after i buy my mom a Reliable daily driver , She likes the Trailblazer And Envoy , Trying to Convince her An Expedition would be better to tow something with in case i need to

Just thought i would give a small update. After lift installed i went ahead and got the lifetime alignment from Firestone. 169.99. Then they said i needed 1/2* and a 3/4* shims and wanted to charge me 36 bucks each!! I said HELL NO cause oreilly will sell them to me for 13.99 each and thats where you are gonna get them. So i talked them into letting me buy the parts myself and take them in to them but then proceeded to try and charge me an hour per side to replace the bushings.... WTH!!! NO i know damn well it didn't take that long to pull them and replace them so i got one hour knocked off!! Ended up paying about 300 for the first alignment and they couldn't get the camber in spec on the drivers side so they put the old bushing back in and gave the new one back to me and then put the passenger side camber off a bit as well so that it wouldn't pull! It Does seem to drive a bit better but i am a little upset with the service i got from them. I will be taking it to the a different firestone after i get new tires.
