U.S. Expands Probe Into Ford Explorers Over Carbon Monoxide Concerns | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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U.S. Expands Probe Into Ford Explorers Over Carbon Monoxide Concerns

WOT Is when i get the rotten eggs smell..but also if I am going 85+ mph for a good 3-4 min (Not often at all but i have done 90 MPH for a good 10 miles strait before) I get the smell

I just don't get how hard is it for ford to locate the leak..and fix it

Since having the first part of the TSB done, I've found that I get it at any time that I'm running above 3k rpm. I'm fairly certain the TSB actually made the problem worse.

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WOT Is when i get the rotten eggs smell..but also if I am going 85+ mph for a good 3-4 min (Not often at all but i have done 90 MPH for a good 10 miles strait before) I get the smell

I just don't get how hard is it for ford to locate the leak..and fix it

You know, I’ve heard of people “Seafoaming” their engines where they use Seafoam in the intake to help remove carbon buildup(Google it). This, in turn, produces a lot of white smoke out the exhaust on some vehicles. Maybe that’s a way to test. Get it to smoke and see if it can be identified where it’s coming into the cabin. Long shot, but could be a relatively simple test for someone to try.

In my experience with the ScanGauge II, these cars don't take long at all to enter closed loop operation... heated O2s?

True. These days, they are pretty reactive.

Guess it would depend on outside temperature as well. It may go into closed loop quickly, but the cats might take longer to warm up and be fully operational. I guess the test could be repeated after driving around for a while to see if the CO concentration changes.

I'm pretty sure it's due to the aerodynamics of the car causing a swirl effect and low pressure area behind the liftgate, trapping exhaust fumes back there and allowing it to seep into the cabin. I'm pretty sour about the fact that Ford not acknowledging it's an actual safety issue.

Ok I just left my dealer and got a copy of the TSB. It's 16 pages long and covers Police and Civilian Explorers. The number is TSB 17-0044. My dealer had one customer that was getting headaches driving his 2016 Explorer. The dealer said after the fix it was fine..... take that with a grain of salt. I still plan on taking mine in on Monday for the repairs to be made. It's a two day job so I will be leaving it till Wednesday. We shall see.

I have a 2013 MY and my dealer in the Philippines has done the initial TSB. That TSB did not include the muffler assembly.

Would be nice to have a copy of that TSB 17-0044.


I have a 2013 MY and my dealer in the Philippines has done the initial TSB. That TSB did not include the muffler assembly.

Would be nice to have a copy of that TSB 17-0044.

It does not replace the entire muffler assembly, just a part of it, and only in certain circumstances. Since the copy I have is a printout the dealer gave me, I have no way to post it.....

It does not replace the entire muffler assembly, just a part of it, and only in certain circumstances. Since the copy I have is a printout the dealer gave me, I have no way to post it.....

Thanks for the reply. Im trying to gather all these TSBs to file a formal complaint here in the Philippines.

It does not replace the entire muffler assembly, just a part of it, and only in certain circumstances. Since the copy I have is a printout the dealer gave me, I have no way to post it.....

I'm curious, does it replace the catalytic converter or does it just replace components or gaskets associated with potential leaks? I believe untreated carbon monoxide is the culprit associated with police officers getting ill, so now I'm wondering if they have discovered that some of the catalytic converters are subpar or have found leaks in the system before the catalytic converter.

I'm curious, does it replace the catalytic converter or does it just replace components or gaskets associated with potential leaks? I believe untreated carbon monoxide is the culprit associated with police officers getting ill, so now I'm wondering if they have discovered that some of the catalytic converters are subpar or have found leaks in the system before the catalytic converter.

They are going to replace the chrome muffler tips with longer ones that point down. Reading the TSB.... most of the rear of the vehicle will be taken apart and sealed prior to a cabin pressure test. Including the lift gate and spoiler. Two day job or more for sure.

They are going to replace the chrome muffler tips with longer ones that point down. Reading the TSB.... most of the rear of the vehicle will be taken apart and sealed prior to a cabin pressure test. Including the lift gate and spoiler. Two day job or more for sure.

Clearly that states for at least civilian owned Explorers that this is aerodynamic vacuum issue. The next question is when driving at WOT is that giving the catalytic converter enough time to treat exhaust, specifically carbon monoxide? Depending on what is found in the current U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration probe/investigation maybe even a Recall could surface.

It will also be interesting if a TSB or Recall comes out for any other part of the exhaust system before treatment of the catalytic converter such as the exhaust manifold, etc.

They are going to replace the chrome muffler tips with longer ones that point down. Reading the TSB.... most of the rear of the vehicle will be taken apart and sealed prior to a cabin pressure test. Including the lift gate and spoiler. Two day job or more for sure.

Typically, if you are having warranty work done where the vehicle needs to be out of service for a more than a day do they provide a rental car (if you have an ESP?) or is it dealer dependent.

From my experience, Ford does not provide loaner cars. I also own a Lexus, and they always give a loaner no matter what. It used to be that the Lexus cost way more than a Ford, and part of the higher cost is loaner cars. But my 2016 Explorer Platinum is in the same price range as a Lexus GX. Nowhere near the same dealer service, however.

From my experience, Ford does not provide loaner cars. I also own a Lexus, and they always give a loaner no matter what. It used to be that the Lexus cost way more than a Ford, and part of the higher cost is loaner cars. But my 2016 Explorer Platinum is in the same price range as a Lexus GX. Nowhere near the same dealer service, however.

My experience exactly. With slight exaggeration, you could drop off a Lexus to get wiper blade replaced and you'll receive a loaner car of the latest model year with unlimited mileage and exceptional customer service.

Typically, if you are having warranty work done where the vehicle needs to be out of service for a more than a day do they provide a rental car (if you have an ESP?) or is it dealer dependent.
As others have stated, the dealer is under no obligation to supply a loaner. If they do, it is at their expense. It is stated in the Warranty Guide that Ford is not responsible for "the cost of rental vehicles".


If you get the extended warranty you can also add on a rental car..... but that's the only way......

As others have stated, the dealer is under no obligation to supply a loaner. If they do, it is at their expense. It is stated in the Warranty Guide that Ford is not responsible for "the cost of rental vehicles".

I think the point being made is that Ford should offer this benefit to their customers, just as other manufacturers have.

Once again, Ford is behind the eight ball.

I think the point being made is that Ford should offer this benefit to their customers, just as other manufacturers have.

Once again, Ford is behind the eight ball.
We owned a 1999 Windstar that was involved in a large recall because of rear "axle" corrosion that caused several axle breaks. We were provided a rental car for nearly 3 months at Ford's expense. Ford finally made a buy back offer for our Windstar, because of corrosion of front end components. The rental car was part of the recall agreement. The cost to Ford for our part was more than 3 times the NADA value of van. Point is, we did get a rental car at that time. I think there were about 300,000-400,000 vehicles involved. It could be a very large recall this time, too.


Clearly that states for at least civilian owned Explorers that this is aerodynamic vacuum issue. The next question is when driving at WOT is that giving the catalytic converter enough time to treat exhaust, specifically carbon monoxide? Depending on what is found in the current U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration probe/investigation maybe even a Recall could surface.

It will also be interesting if a TSB or Recall comes out for any other part of the exhaust system before treatment of the catalytic converter such as the exhaust manifold, etc.

With the exception of the roof rack, there's no difference between the Explorer and the PIU aerodynamically.

The replacing the exhaust tips only applies to non-Ecoboost, and it doesn't seem to solve the issue anyway.

They are going to replace the chrome muffler tips with longer ones that point down. Reading the TSB.... most of the rear of the vehicle will be taken apart and sealed prior to a cabin pressure test. Including the lift gate and spoiler. Two day job or more for sure.

It is actually the mufflers, according to the TSB.


"Inform the customer of the redesigned exhaust tips and that appearance will remain the same but the exhaust will exit the tip from bottom. Upon acceptance, replace the muffler assembly with the updated part containing the down turned exhaust tips. (Figures 7-8)"

I saw an ABC report last night with a video, Austin TX police had 80 (I think) explorers with cracks in the exhaust pipes. It showed the cracks. Some of the explorers were administrative and hadn't been modified. They pulled all off the streets.

Can you link that piece? I'd love to see it.

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