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Updated MFT date?

Well, Gary Jablonski makes it sound good, but particularly absent from his discussion was any improvement on the bluetooth noise problem. I guess Ford was just not listening to the many complaints about this. Maybe they'll go back to the drawing board and find a solution. Don't hold your breath.

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According to that video they are moving the UI drawing to the GPU vs. the CPU, this means they either worked with Adobe for a custom version of flash lite to do this, or they rewrote the UI in silverlight. This makes me excited!

I thought one of the recent updates to flash included the ability for hardware rendering.

To be fair, I think the bluetooth noise is mostly an Explorer issue, an idea supported by my own experiments, and this was a broad conversation about the MFT upgrade in general. I don't think it reflects on whether that issue has been resolved or not, but as a perspective buyer, I sure hope it has!

Well, Gary Jablonski makes it sound good but particularly missing in the discussion was any mention of fixing the bluetooth noise problem. Apparently Ford is ignoring the many complaints about this problem. Maybe there will be a fix coming in the future? Don't hold your breath.

Well, Gary Jablonski makes it sound good but particularly missing in the discussion was any mention of fixing the bluetooth noise problem. Apparently Ford is ignoring the many complaints about this problem. Maybe there will be a fix coming in the future? Don't hold your breath.
I got my Explorer in March but I don't use the bluetooth that much. I've never had any problems with it when I have used it.

Well, Gary Jablonski makes it sound good, but particularly absent from his discussion was any improvement on the bluetooth noise problem. I guess Ford was just not listening to the many complaints about this. Maybe they'll go back to the drawing board and find a solution. Don't hold your breath.

Well, Gary Jablonski makes it sound good but particularly missing in the discussion was any mention of fixing the bluetooth noise problem. Apparently Ford is ignoring the many complaints about this problem. Maybe there will be a fix coming in the future? Don't hold your breath.

Is there a delayed echo in this thread? :)

There's one major aspect of this supposed new and wonderful update that no one has mentioned yet... mp3 playback! Especially ipod playback. It's by far one of the worst aspects of MFT in comparison to other in dash systems. Very long loading times, clumsy browsing controls and the inability to disable voice control and hence indexing which I feel is the culprit of the lag. So far I've nor heard or read anything about this function of MFT and I am already preparing for disappointment.
