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Upgraded Brakes


October 22, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XL
I've done minor upgrades to my braking. I have replaced my standard pads with slotted ceramics from Raybestos and I've changed my rotors to drilled and slotted (again from Raybestos). I've seen a tremenous difference in braking with just those two things. Has anyone else upgraded the brakes? I'm looking to see what else is out there... does anyone make a two piston caliper for the X? Here are a couple of pictures in case anyone is interested.

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There's nothing bigger made for a 1st gen X. You would have to custom fit something.
The best you can do is a rear disk brake swap. Turning all 4 wheels into disk brakes.
Upgrading rotors & pads & getting some SS lines is about it.

is above the only option for upgraded braking? i will be running 35s soon..and i would liek to kno all of wut i kan do to make braking more safe and efficient

I put some 95 ranger knuckles and brakes on mine, the calipers are dual piston and bolts on the knuckle instead of being attached with slide pins. braking improved.

A major upgrade would be putting D44 knuckles on your D35 beams, there isn't too much involved, but machining is required. You get to have full size brakes on your ride.

Does the 95 ranger knuckle bolt right up or is there more to it?

Bolt-on, as it's TTB as well, the rest is the same, spindle, balljoints, tierods, bearings etc. I was actually surprised Ford designed a new spindle for the last year of the TTB, Worked out to my advantage :p: And no more slide pins yeaaaaahhh!!

Really? no modification at all? 4WD? ABS? Master cylinder & lines?

Really? no modification at all? 4WD? ABS? Master cylinder & lines?

For my swap, I didn't have to fab anything up. same ABS sensor at the same place, etc. I have extended lines, so all just plugged them on the new calipers, axles go through the same holes etc. The only things that's changed on the knuckle is Ford removed the "ears" for the slide pins and put threaded holes for the knuckle to caliper bolts. Thats it, no muss no fuss.

This is why I mentioned it was kinda strange of Ford to alter their knuckle on its last production run, their loss, my gain :p:

This only applies to the 95 knuckles, as far as I know. I think they went to SLA the year after

I never heard of that swap. I'll have to check into it.

