Upgrading PS Cooler | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Upgrading PS Cooler

Joe Fast

Well-Known Member
December 14, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Brooklyn, New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
I have a 99 with the stock PS cooler under the Rad-supports. However, I burn the fluid all the time. Wondering if I should go with a bigger cooler or a fan.. Anyone with experience or suggestions???????????
Also wondering what is the best way to flush out the PS system.


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To my knowlege, you can't really flush/drain the PS fluid.
What I did was but a suction pump from the auto parts store (looks like a blood pressure thing with a clear tube
on either end of it) and pumped out as much fluid as I could and simply replenished what was taken out. Hope that helps ya.

How about disconecting the hose at the cooler while filling the res????


that is what i do just disconnect the line from the cooler and catch the fluid in a pan and refill. if you burn fluid all the time then i would highly reccomend synthetic

Looks like I need to get me a cooler installed. :p

if you really concerned then just get a tranny cooler however i think the stock cooler is overkill

Summit has long skinny frame rail coolers that would work nice in this application. No need to allways put it in front of the radiator.

What brand of syntetic fluid do you guys use in the PS system.


i used castrol synthetic mercon for both the steering and transfercase. the power steering takes less than a quart so there is no reason not to go to synthetic unless you have leaks
