v8/302 engine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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v8/302 engine


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September 10, 2011
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Central Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer
What is different 302 different from an explorer? What will happen if I pull a motor out of a 90 mustang GT and try to put it in?

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What is different 302 different from an explorer? What will happen if I pull a motor out of a 90 mustang GT and try to put it in?

you would need a different oil pan, as well as front dress, as a explorer one is shorter then a stang. i am not sure about the timing chain covers or not as a explorer has a crank trigger switch on it and a mustang doesnt. thats what i can think of off the top of my head.

The 90 Mustang short block is a good direct swap, but nothing else really. The oil filter needs a different metric block adapter, the balancer is different, as are the heads, intake, EGR system, distributor etc.

What about a 302 out of an f-150, 1986. I am not against switching to a carb if it makes life easier.

on 2nd thought, If I go the v8 route i will do it out of an explorer.

The water pump is reversed in the mustangs 302. I would try to fit a 351 Cleveland in it, now that would be different.
