V8 in a Sport... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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V8 in a Sport...


Well-Known Member
March 20, 2002
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City, State
Little Rock, AR
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Explorer Expedition
This may be a stupid question, but is it possible to put a V8 in a Sport? The V6 engines are so grossly underpowered it is pathetic. Also, can the tranny be replaced with a more beefed up one? I have had a very bad experiance with the tranny in my Exporer, I would prefer a more stonger one.


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You need the SEARCH button :)

Yes it is very possible, it has been done many many times.
We are not surprised you have had transmission issues, the A4LD and the 5 speed both leave something to be desired.

mdriggan said:
This may be a stupid question, but is it possible to put a V8 in a Sport? The V6 engines are so grossly underpowered it is pathetic. Also, can the tranny be replaced with a more beefed up one? I have had a very bad experiance with the tranny in my Exporer, I would prefer a more stonger one.


You bet its possible as 410 said. Chk out his and others threads about V6 to V8 swaps. And, since you have a 97, your engine bay and front end are already set up to hold a 5.0 V8--you shouldn't have to do too much modification to the tranny tunnel and so forth. Find out how the motor mounts are different between your SOHC and a 5.0 and go from there.

Yeah I thought it could be done. I also read that with mods and bolt-on accessories that you could increase power of the 4.0 to that close to a 4.6 v8. If this is true, would just changing out the tranny be a better route to go and a little less expensive? Just a thought....

mdriggan said:
The V6 engines are so grossly underpowered it is pathetic. Thanks!
Take it from someone who thought his SOHC engine was a 5.0. Of course I was running a 4.10 geared rear end, but I had plenty of power and even out ran some 5.0's. There are a few things you can do cheaply to get more power. The first would be to get an intake, then exhaust, then get a flasher and reprogram your computer. If you are currently running 3.73 gears, get those changed to 4.10 or even 4.56. Just doing those few things will greatly produce HP for ya. Hope that helps.
