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vacuum diagram


Elite Canuck STOCK SUCKS!
Elite Explorer
January 22, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
selkirk, manitoba
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 supercharged 347 sport
hey everyone. can someone post a vacuum diagram for a 90 ranger 4x4 auto for me. i have a pretty good vacuum leak at what sounds like between the upper and lower intake. the diagram under my hood is unreadable. thanks.

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What engine do you have in the Ranger? Auto or manual transmission? What is the engine calibration code? It's on the engine information label located on the front of the engine.

duh! yea, i guess putting what motor it has in it would help a lot! 4.0L auto (trains that is) 4x4

...These might help..:dunno:
1990 4.0 engine; calibration 0-58F-R00

1990 4.0 engine;calibration 0-58L-R00

1990 4.0 engine;calibration 0-58T-R00

Thanks for the help TBars!:thumbsup:

...What happened???...You usually beat me to the punch..:p:

...I'm not sure if these are what he needed but that's all I could find..:dunno:

...If you meed more than that, check with Fixxxer as that is all I could find...;)

thanks again. today i looked at it thinking the gaskets on top and below the fuel rail got sucked in, so the rail and upper intake are off at the moment. how ever, i did manage to snap the connector going from the fuel line, to the fuel pressure regulator (nice) because ford decided to use a plastic coupler on it. that and, a explorer 4.0L line is different. now the truck sits dead in the back yard, and i have to drive evil down a dusty gravel road to work in the morning, and let it sit in a dusty gravel parking lot all day! :mad: i am going to post in the aerostar forum and ask if anyone knows if they are the same or not.

sorry for venting btw.

Ya, you beat me to it TBars, I was waiting for the engine code so that I would only have to post 1 diagram! LOL

93 Ranger Intake Manifold

So I really want to SeaFoam my aging engine, but I'm concerned that the brake booster doesnt feed equally to all 6 cylinders in my 4.0 OHV.

The booster goes into the end of the manifold by the last two cylinders... is there another place on the manifold that I can use to suck in the SeaFoam that will go to all cylinders? Anyone have a diagram of the intake manifold and/or vacuum lines?

1993 Ranger XLT 4.0L V6 OHV 2x4 Manual with A/C

Thanks! :rangerred:

1993 Ranger XLT 4.0L V6 OHV 2x4 Manual with A/C vacuum diagram


...I think there may be a couple here too...
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