Valley class IV Hitch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Valley class IV Hitch


New Member
July 12, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
07 mountaineer
Hi guys, I am new to this forum - I have an 07 merc mountaineer premier v8 with a class II hitch. I was looking at the valley class IV hitch that goes into the factory one. Has anyone used it to pull anything?? Would I be able to pull a 3000 lb. car with a u-haul trailer?? Anything else I could do to pull this with?? Any suggestions would be great.


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Hi guys, I am new to this forum - I have an 07 merc mountaineer premier v8 with a class II hitch. I was looking at the valley class IV hitch that goes into the factory one. Has anyone used it to pull anything?? Would I be able to pull a 3000 lb. car with a u-haul trailer?? Anything else I could do to pull this with?? Any suggestions would be great.


You are right at the weight limit for the factory hitch... I would not add an adapter to the factory hitch as it will not get you anything other than "slop" in the connection and will not add to the hitch rating.

Adding a separate Class III hitch is probably a better solution and won't affect the factory hitch. Some examples:

You are right at the weight limit for the factory hitch... I would not add an adapter to the factory hitch as it will not get you anything other than "slop" in the connection and will not add to the hitch rating.

Adding a separate Class III hitch is probably a better solution and won't affect the factory hitch. Some examples:

So if I add this hitch underneath would it be able to tow my 3000lb. mustang on a u-haul trailer?? What about the height??

That should work fine, turn off overdrive going up the hills. Might want a ball mount with less drop for tongue height.

Would you suggest or recommend an aftermarket tranny cooler??

My '06 V8 Explorer with the smaller class II hitch already had a trans cooler factory in front of the radiator on the left upper side... yours may have one too?

If not, it is good to have a trans cooler and/or avoid overdrive completely.

Thanks for the input!!! I appreciate it.
