"Vehicle Health Report" not available to all ... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Vehicle Health Report" not available to all ...


Well-Known Member
October 19, 2011
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Western Mass, (summer), & SW Florida, (winter).
Year, Model & Trim Level
'13 Limited 4WD 302A Tow
I am assuming that a "Vehicle Health Report" is not available unless one owns a "smart" phone right???

I think there has to be at least one other Ex owner out here in "Explorerforumland" who fits that category, (no smart phone). So I guess if we get a poopoo message on the dash while on the road we're just screwed, (not all warnings are stored). Is the only solution is to carry a camera with you at all times in order to photograph the warning immediately before shutting off the engine???

The thing that has me worried is that @#$^%$#@ EPAS issue, (loss of the electronic power steering).


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As far as I know, Sync Services which includes the VHR will work with any phone you can pair to Sync via Bluetooth. That phone number has to be registered with your account at SyncMyRide.com. So no... it doesn't have to be a smart phone, just a phone with Bluetooth.

I'm not 100% certain, but I havn't seen any '13s with EPAS issues. It "appears" that a vast majority of EPAS failures is with the '11 model and some early '12s.

1st of all, "Helicopter", that HAS TO BE the hottest 'Ex' on earth, (and it's white too)!!! VERY nice photo. Yup, I'm out of luck because our humble Tracfone doesn't even have BlueTooth, but we are looking into upgrading it ! Thanks for the info re 2013 Explorers probably being okay as far as the EPAS issues. May your skies always be 'CAVU' (!)

1st of all, "Helicopter", that HAS TO BE the hottest 'Ex' on earth, (and it's white too)!!! VERY nice photo. Yup, I'm out of luck because our humble Tracfone doesn't even have BlueTooth, but we are looking into upgrading it ! Thanks for the info re 2013 Explorers probably being okay as far as the EPAS issues. May your skies always be 'CAVU' (!)

Hey, grrtrainman!

I see Helicopter has answered your Vehicle Health Report question (Thanks, Helicopter!), but just to reiterate, all you need is a phone that has Bluetooth and is compatible with SYNC. When you go to upgrade your phone, make sure you check out our Compatibility Chart. Here it is:


Cory (FordCustSrvc) will be able to answer your questions about Power Steering. Go ahead and shoot him a private message with your VIN and approximate mileage. Please let me know if you need any other info regarding SYNC.




Great. 2 Fridays this week. I went through yesterday thinking it was Friday and didn't realize it was Thursday until after supper.
One of the challenges we retirees have to deal with! :D


Rebecca & Helicopter:

'Have to luv this forum - it's folks like YOU !




Great. 2 Fridays this week. I went through yesterday thinking it was Friday and didn't realize it was Thursday until after supper.
One of the challenges we retirees have to deal with! :D


LOL Peter, I woke up thinking today was Monday... :)

Rebecca & Helicopter:

'Have to luv this forum - it's folks like YOU !




Thanks, grrtrainman! We <3 this forum too! :biggthump


Rebecca & Helicopter:

'Have to luv this forum - it's folks like YOU !




You're welcome, and thank you!

Yes, this forum rocks! I've learned a lot from this place, was a lurker for quite a while. I took part in all the resources that are offered here when looking to pick up the new Explorer. It was so valuable I felt guilty so I coughed up the $20 for "Elite" status, to show my humble support for the place. We've really got something special, especially with Rebecca and Cory onboard. They are consummate professionals!

Hope you stick around for a while, and you share your journey with us!

I am assuming that a "Vehicle Health Report" is not available unless one owns a "smart" phone right???

I think there has to be at least one other Ex owner out here in "Explorerforumland" who fits that category, (no smart phone). :(
As you've found out now, the phone only has to have Bluetooth and be compatible. But you are correct in that not everyone has the Vehicle Health Report. All of us here in Canada do not have regardless of what phone we have. :(
I don't have a Smart Phone (Nokia C3) but it does have a QWERTY keyboard, Bluetooth and a camera which will come in handy if ever a wierd message pops up on the MFT. ;)


We've really got something special, especially with Rebecca and Cory onboard. They are consummate professionals![/FONT][/COLOR]

You're too kind, Helicopter! :biggthump

