Video proof that your Nav and MFT actually work? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Video proof that your Nav and MFT actually work?


Well-Known Member
February 27, 2011
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City, State
Santa Monica, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'11 Limited 4WD
I'd love to see video proof that people actually have fully working systems. I'd like to see it from first starting the car through address entry and execution. There are those that claim it's all working properly, but I want to see it with my own eyes. I'm curious just how "fast" a "working" system operates.

I have a feeling that perception of fast and properly working is completely relative...

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What do you mean by fully working system? Just the NAV?

I mean a fully functional and properly working MFT and Nav system. I mean you start it up and all functions work swiftly, properly, and without delay or frustration. I mean that you can access "previous destinations" and they actually exist. I mean your iPod shows up and you can choose what you want to listen to. I mean that your phone pairs up as it should and functions. I mean you can pull up fuel prices or weather and get current information. I mean that you can send an address to the car from google maps and phone in to download it and have the route calculated before you actually arrive at the destination. I mean that you don't encounter "performing scheduled system maintenance" while you're on the freeway.

I mean a fully functional system.

Does anyone have, or be willing to record, first hand video proof that your vehicle works completely as advertised and intended?

I'd love to see it.

I know my system is screwed up and Cory hooked me up with a Ford engineer that is going to look at my truck this week, but I'm curious what a "fully functional" system experience is actually out there. I have my suspicions about how high the bar really is.

Radio in 5, phone in 7, nav in 8. All up and running.

...said the retiring car salesman.

Will try and do the video....not sure when I can. I don't use the google maps thing or Ipod music. Rest works fine, no problems but as I said over and over wish it were a bit faster.

ps: Did you speak to ford yet?

I had written in a earlier post that on my X with version 2.7 it take MFT about 2 full minutes to be completly up and stable. I have ran a stopwatch against it and the average is about 1:37. I find if I don't let a microsoft OS fully load that the chances of instability or crashing greatly increases. I find I can go to a screen quicker (say < 30 seconds) but I try not to push the systems for the first 2 minutes.

Ill do a video of nav, voice commands and touch screen speed as well as phone. I havent done google maps or ipod voice commands so dont know how yet.

Phone is synched in under 5 seconds. Nav is loaded in 14 seconds (timed it last night). Pulled up route and a weather radar map within 10 seconds after that.

Weather radar crashes my nav system EVERYTIME I use it. I was curious if it worked on anyone else's.

the weather screen disappears and I get the "navigation system loading" message on the navigation screen section.

Eventually it sometimes will then say "navigation system unavailable contact your dealer".

The navigation system on mine will also just freeze up and it will just stop working mid-route. the map disappears and the route just freezes.

Loganfilm, I know that you have seen all of that before, since our vehicles are twins!

Weather radar crashes my nav system EVERYTIME I use it. I was curious if it worked on anyone else's.

the weather screen disappears and I get the "navigation system loading" message on the navigation screen section.

Eventually it sometimes will then say "navigation system unavailable contact your dealer".

The navigation system on mine will also just freeze up and it will just stop working mid-route. the map disappears and the route just freezes.

Loganfilm, I know that you have seen all of that before, since our vehicles are twins!

My weather radar works fine. Never had it crash. I hit the voice button, say "Weather Map" and I've got radar in 5 seconds.

Still don't know exactly what all the symbols are though.....

Weather radar crashes my nav system EVERYTIME I use it. I was curious if it worked on anyone else's.

the weather screen disappears and I get the "navigation system loading" message on the navigation screen section.

Eventually it sometimes will then say "navigation system unavailable contact your dealer".

The navigation system on mine will also just freeze up and it will just stop working mid-route. the map disappears and the route just freezes.

Loganfilm, I know that you have seen all of that before, since our vehicles are twins!

We seem to have exactly the same problems. Ford engineer slated to look at mine this Wednesday. I have a feeling we need the same cure to get the citrus flavor out of our ownership experiences.... I'll let you know what I find out.

I'm not planning on taking the car back from the dealer at all if they can't fully demonstrate that all problems have been solved. I'm not putting any more effort into this brand new vehicle. I've already missed two full days of work and countless hours of hassle.

I had to stop off and buy a 10mm end wrench while on the road today, so I could disconnect the battery for a reboot. Three times. Everything seized up and I couldn't get the air on or the sound system working. Nav? Forget about it. The first time I stopped, I borrowed an end wrench from a guy at a goodyear tire place that was teeming with customers. I answered a lot of questions by the curious people waiting for new tires.... "Is that the new Explorer?" "Why are you disconnecting the battery?". I was very honest with them all. Lot's of laughs and dismay. I bought my own after that.

I don't think Ford gained any new customers from that parking lot today...

I'm not enjoying this new car at all.

My timing is close to JDraper's.

My problems the last 2 days are that traffic and weather don't appear. Just a blank weather map (no message at all). Traffic arrows don't appear.

We seem to have exactly the same problems. Ford engineer slated to look at mine this Wednesday. I have a feeling we need the same cure to get the citrus flavor out of our ownership experiences.... I'll let you know what I find out.

I'm not planning on taking the car back from the dealer at all if they can't fully demonstrate that all problems have been solved. I'm not putting any more effort into this brand new vehicle. I've already missed two full days of work and countless hours of hassle.

I had to stop off and buy a 10mm end wrench while on the road today, so I could disconnect the battery for a reboot. Three times. Everything seized up and I couldn't get the air on or the sound system working. Nav? Forget about it. The first time I stopped, I borrowed an end wrench from a guy at a goodyear tire place that was teeming with customers. I answered a lot of questions by the curious people waiting for new tires.... "Is that the new Explorer?" "Why are you disconnecting the battery?". I was very honest with them all. Lot's of laughs and dismay. I bought my own after that.

I don't think Ford gained any new customers from that parking lot today...

I'm not enjoying this new car at all.

Hope you get your problems resolved.
We are still searching for the right deal on a new explorer.
What ever one we get I hope it doesn't have problems that cannot be resolved first time in.
I could write a book on problems I have had with new vehicles in the past, (not ford)
Good luck........

Thanks. I suggest you test the heck out of any new Explorer before you take it home. There are quite a few issues that you can read about here. Explorers are starting to finally stack up on dealer lots now, so hopefully you can get one that works. Be thorough. These issues really suck to deal with.

If I did it over again, I'd wait for a 2012.

I think we'll see diminished residual value on the 2011's from all the flaws in this build.

So still no video proof, anyone?

I get the impression that those of us who actually use all advertised features are the ones with MFT problems. Those who only use a small fraction are fine.
Sadly, I want to use everything because that's the reason I chose this car. There are plenty other cars out there with limited features that work too.

I am in total agreement with you.

I don't think anyone out there that is trying to fully utilize all the features is actually doing so successfully.

That's why I asked for video proof.

My curiosity about this stems from the varied responses from those having troubles vs. those that keep saying it all works great. I don't think anyone that says it all works great is really using the thing all the way, as advertised, as paid for. Yes, the reason I bought the car as well.

Not happy.

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i would love to see how fast this system is actually meant to be because i have tried to input addresses in the nav for directions and more than a handful of times it has taken several long minutes to put in the street name or city....
