wanna get a new roof rack!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wanna get a new roof rack!!!


January 14, 2004
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'96 sport
hey all, I'm going to get a new Surco safari roof rack for my ex. anybody know how hard they are to install? and also, when I bought my x, there were no crossmembers on the the stock roof rack, will I need these? thanks

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According to Automotive Accessories Connection, the 45x50 and 45x60 racks use the CH100 channel adapter. From the name, and the looks of the adapter on the site, I'd assume that it slides directly into the channels and the factory crossbars aren't used.


Double-check to see if you'll need to purchase the R3600, R5300, or R6200 crossbars...it doesn't look like the CH100 comes with crossbars.

Not sure if this helps, but I had to paint the roof rails on my 2000. They came off with just a few screws.

If I may make a suggestion. I saw this one X that paint their Roof racks the same color as the X! Look very sharpe and a one of a kind

the answers,

comes in a box, time to put it togeather about 20 mins, prob need another set of hands just to help hold things togeather, so from opening the box and putting it on your truck about 30mins total, well thats what it took me, and no u'll need to buy c100 adapter that means u dont need the crossmembers from the factory room rack, u can prob see pics of mine at my cardomain site, they look good, suggestion if you plan on putting lights up on it, make the brackets yourself for under 10 bucks, instead of paying 30 a set from anywhere u can buy the surco ones, i'm also planning on making my own hi-lift holders and spare tire hold down, cause i personally think they charge way to much for those accessories when it takes just a lil time and a lot less money to do it yourself, prob better. take care
