Water Leak | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Water Leak


August 6, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Metairie, LA.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Sport Trac
I've read the messages re the high mounted stop light water leaks and it appears that I have the same problem. Before I tear into it, is the suspect gasket the one between the light and cab body or between the lens and light?

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The gasket and third break light assembly are one part (stupid design) just take out the two screws, clean the surfaces, and apply some silicone. I did it a year ago and its lasted through the winter and summer. And you can buy a little squeeze tube of silicone for $5

Removed the light and, sure enough, you could see where the gasket was not sealing across the top. Wiped everything down and put a small bead of silicone around the sealing surface, reinstalled and all seems well. Finished just prior to a small shower and inside still dry. Will need to replace the light though since there are a couple of small, open, cracks on the clear lenses. I dabbed a bit of silicone on them as well just to seal out the water until I get a replacement unit.
Thanks for the answers,


I had this done years ago and it wasnt the light it was the rear window. They took out the light used some gasket seal but it didn't work still got water in the cab. Brought it back and they said it was the rear window so they sealed the rear window and that fixed it.
