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water/methanol injection

Just curious, as I had been looking and there are several kits available that will work on any engine. Has anyone actually used water/meth injection on a N/A explorer? I know it can help lower intake temps and reduce detonation under boost, but in a N/A set up, how much timing can be added to the 4.0 ohv before there is nothing left to gain from it? thanks

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Well, I can't exactly quote the source, but I remember reading somewhere on a google result that someone swapped a 4.0 v6 OHV explorer engine into some 4banger car and turned it into a drag car. they ran 12deg flat and left the curves alone.

Personaly, I'm at 12.5 with an additional .5 in mid-high ranges.

My datalogging software is bugging out on me for telling me my total timing, So I can't quote on that.

Stock is 10 btw.

P.S. I've pressed it up to 13 before but my tranny started whining really badly so I backed it down. still whines every now and then in top 1st/low-mid 2nd.

yeah, my truck idles with about 10* of advance according to my scantool. this is still the stock tune. Are you running 93 octane in order to advance to 12*++? And just curious as to why the trans would have any issues due to more timing, I don't want to wreck anything, but I have never heard of this.

I'm running 89 octane in it right now.

I also plan on building a meth injection kit for my x but it's just not a priority. I'm pretty interested in what others have to say about it.

As for the tranny, I don't know actually...Only thing I can think of it maybe my torque output went just a tad to high when I pushed it to 13.

At first I thought it was the craziest sounding knock I ever heard, till I let it cool and retarded timing and it was still doing it. Traced the sound to the tranny. After my accident it doesn't seem to do it but once in a blue moon.

I know I'm not much help, still trying to get this dumb software to work. It appears im only running a total of 26.5 @ 4250RPM but I want to make sure it's not just spitting skewed numbers. Waiting on "customer support" to get back to me on it.

Well talk about coincidence, here's what they said:

That sounds normal

timing is usually high at idle and cruise then will drop down as load increases to prevent

Meh. 26.5 total timing I have then.

I guess I'll start pushing it a bit harder when my truck can get off the jackstands :D

(Yes, most of my "listeners knowledge" comes from distributers. So that seems backwards to me.)

thanks for the help killer7. Anyone know how much doug's 93 torque or performance tunes add as far as ign. advance? And how much further can the numbers be pushed when using the water meth injection. Is there a point when regardless of octane level, timing can no longer be advanced?

Just adding timing will not always yield hp. You can over time an engine causing a loss in power. I see this all the time on the dyno.-j

thanks alot james. Just trying to get my facts straight before I buy anything. I understand the basic concepts, but have nowhere near the know-how to actually tune my own vehicle.

Meth is a really big help with boosted vehicles. I haven't had an opportunity to see what it would do on a N/A application. Hmmm.

Well I have it up to 27.5 total now, runs great. I don't imagin making a whole lot of power past this point as I should be pretty close to perfect.

As for meth, I really don't know jah. I've heard things about it on N/A go both ways but a homemade DIY kit is pretty cheap so I'll just find out myself when I get some time. :salute:

I have read up on it in naturally aspirated vehicles and it seams that the water in the airstream displaces and air you might gainfrom the cooling of the air. So it seams to be no help there.

As for preventing detonation in advanced timing situations. I don't know if I would rely on it.
