Water under passenger side seat and rear floorboard | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Water under passenger side seat and rear floorboard


New Member
December 19, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Corydon, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016Ford Explorer Limited
Water under passenger side seat and rear floorboard. Please share this if anyone ever has this problem. What I found was a grommet drain tube (part # 5F9Z-7401523-AA) Item 3) down on the right side of the cowl that clogs up with debris and fills and spills over rainwater off the windshield down the cowl into the fresh air cabin filter, and then it drains to the ductwork and spills under the passenger side seat and rear floorboard through the duct tube and floods the carpet. This has taken me 6 months to figure out with trial and error and finding this very helpful video. Please remove both the left and right side of drain boots that clog up over time with leaves and debris, you don’t need these. They are big problem makers. Give this guy a subscribe and a big thumbs up for helping me figure this out.

