We proudly hit 200,000 miles today | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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We proudly hit 200,000 miles today


Explorer Addict
October 28, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Watertown, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997, 99 and 2000 5.0's
The old girl hit 200,000 tonight. Next stop,,,,,,, 250,000.


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thats just barely broke in, i replaced my dash at 250k, and have put nearly 30k on it since with the original unmolested engine

Nice! I'm about to roll over 250,000

I've got about 20,000 till I'm there on my 02 ST.

With proper maintenance a 5.0L should have no problem going another 100K (or more). I now have three 5.0's in my family, two of them are at 180K and the baby is at 150K. They all run like new, don't burn any oil and are capable on 23+ mpg highway. Regular oil changes with good quality oil and filters are the key. At this rate there's a very good chance they may outlast me. lol

This is funny. At 200,009 it kicked the CE light. The last time it did that was 50,000 miles ago for a bad O2 sensor. I still think the computers are set at the factory to come on randomly so you go in and have them serviced, lol.

This is funny. At 200,009 it kicked the CE light. The last time it did that was 50,000 miles ago for a bad O2 sensor. I still think the computers are set at the factory to come on randomly so you go in and have them serviced, lol.

that is kinda funny. hope it's nothing to expensive to repair. i wouldn't know about taking it back to a dealer for service. last time i took a car to a dealer for repairs (that weren't warrantied) was..... humph, i honestly can't remember when. lol

that is kinda funny. hope it's nothing to expensive to repair. i wouldn't know about taking it back to a dealer for service. last time i took a car to a dealer for repairs (that weren't warrantied) was..... humph, i honestly can't remember when. lol

That makes two of us, lol. I think the dealer repairs would be for people that don't know anything about their rig.

I'm less than 1000 miles from the big 200k on my 5.0. Any day now.

EDIT 838 miles

Man, I got some catching up to do... congrats on the milestone!

Fun My 4.0 SOHC is at 253,500 miles and still going on a all original motor and tranny.

Fun My 4.0 SOHC is at 253,500 miles and still going on a all original motor and tranny.

How did you get the tranny to last that long? I've had three of the 4.0's and I had trouble with all of them before 150,000.

That's gotta be a record on the tranny. I just put in my 3rd tranny! Are you sure it's original?

Here's to 200K more in your future. :)

My 96 XLT 5.0 turned 200K ... more than seven years ago. :)

It's only at about 220K as it has sat those seven years, and only recently was taken out of mothball status.

Thx everyone. As for the CE light, it went off by itself. I'm guessing maybe a cylinder misfire as I was driving in the blizzard here on the east coast and the engine compartment had a lot of snow in it. I'll get it read tomorrow and see what codes are stored.

Can you imagine if Ford did an actual recall on all the tranny problems from 1998-02 explorers they wouldve been alot more broke.;)

How did you get the tranny to last that long? I've had three of the 4.0's and I had trouble with all of them before 150,000.

Well I guess I'm just lucky. And of course good maintenance. My dads explorer has 209,000 miles on it and it still had the original tranny un tell about a week ago. It wasn't even that bad yet he just replaced it to be on the safe side.

Kevlar7R said:
That's gotta be a record on the tranny. I just put in my 3rd tranny! Are you sure it's original?
I'm pretty sure it is the original. I am the second owner and the first owner took it to ford for everything. I still have every piece of paper work for it since it was new. And I have not seen any paper work for transmission repair.

Just turned 235000 on the 95 Limited, still runs and rides great,

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I'm at 176k now on the original motor and rebuilt trans.

I'm the 3rd owner, bought the X in late 2007 with 130k on the clock for 3k.

I must have put... over $7k into over the years. Front end, hubs, tires, shocks, trans rebuild, tons of switches and sensors, brakes, electrical...

So I'm in about 10k for 46k miles which isnt the best deal actually.
