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February 5, 2022
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Chicago, IL
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2018 Interceptor Utility
Can anyone put this in the King's English?

Screenshot_20221231_115939_FORScan Lite.jpg

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Can anyone put this in the King's English?

View attachment 437666
it doesnt know what angle, or how far (or not far) the steering wheel is turned. since yours is a newer one,, it may use that for lane keep assist, or the like. could be the wiring, or the position sensor itself. no clue where it is on a piu. at one point it dropped communication, or gave faulty data. i dont see a pid for wheel angle on your screenshot, however.

No and it doesn't have any lane keep assist or other aids, so I'm wondering why it would trigger in the first place and if I can ignore this or not.

No and it doesn't have any lane keep assist or other aids, so I'm wondering why it would trigger in the first place and if I can ignore this or not.
ive seen newer cars without lkas with this pid before, but no clue as to how its used. so my guess is it can probably be ignored, but not too sure on that one.

Thanks, man. Appreciate the info.

Not 100% sure about that code but some issues with the steering position sensor can disable the stability control system, though IIRC, if that happens, you'd get a dash light indicating it.

Steering wheel straight going down the road? If not that'll do it

Steering wheel straight going down the road? If not that'll do it
Yeah. Slight pull to the right, but I think that's just an alignment issue that I'll fix when I get new tires at the end of the season.

Yeah. Slight pull to the right, but I think that's just an alignment issue that I'll fix when I get new tires at the end of the season.
Alignment tripped an ABS code for me as well, can't remember what but it went away as soons I got new tires and did an alignment.
