Weird leak... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Weird leak...


October 6, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Jacksonville, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer XLT
Anyone else experience a leak inside their newer model Explorer? I have an '04 XLT and we have noticed since purchasing it used with 47K on the odometer in May that it leaks when it rains. What makes it even more odd is that it drains down (and usually on my wife) the seatbelt. We do have sunroof but that is sealed very well with no leaks. I thought maybe it was from the luggage rails seal over the drivers seat. Maybe some room at the base seal inside to the roof and coming down the 'B' pillar to the seatbelt tensioner? Please tell me what you think and if anyone else has had this problem and the fix.

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Are there visible water stains on the interior roof? Does the vehicle have the original factory installed windshield?

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As far as I know it has the stock windshield, but I don't know why that would effect something so far back. Like I said we are the second owners but it was in extremely good condition and even had the factory smell. How could a windshield cause a leak all the way back to the B piilar?

Water can get driven back by the wind at speed. If it is leaking while parked overnight, then the leak will be close to the spot where the water is on the inside.

I used to have a Ranger that leaked when parked but it wasn't the windshield - there was a small hole in the solder joint where the roof joined the door frame. I was able to seal it with a low viscosity silicone that is made to seal windshield leaks.

I had the same problem with my 04 xlt along with a rattle in the head liner by the sun roof. The dealer said they could not find the leak or the rattle! (Time to find another dealer). I couldn,t stand the rattle anymore so i removed the plastic seat belt cover and clothes hook and door seal to pull down the headliner. Their were four loose sheet metal screws for the sun roof that i snuged up. I noticed a square flex tube off the drivers side rear of the sun roof going to the back of the ex, so i removed the drivers side rear pannel and found the flex tube up by the head liner. using a shop vac i sucked a bunch of black junk out of the line. The sun roof hasn't leaked or rattled in 2 weeks.

The leak occurs when it is parked and then as you pull the seatbelt out it soaks you. That's what lead me to believe it tied into the luggage rack somehow. Our sunroof does not leak or rattle it is great and the drainage ducts are clear, I checked that this weekend. I will check the solder point along the frame either tonight when my wife returns, or tomorrow.

Can't really see anywhere along the welds. The only thing I thought I might further investigate would be the weather seal around the door itself and how it attaches to the vehicle. Maybe there is something wrong there to allow the water in to the roller?

Any ideas anyone?

Any ideas anyone?
I have an 04 xlt. It was back at the dealer 7 times for a similar leak. Turns out it was a drain line coming from the moonroof.I also had a line clogged at the ac unit, water leaks suck.

AC works like a dream and I have had the sunroof open, maybe I am looking at the wrong area in it. Where are the drainage tubes there?

Can anyone tell me where the drainage holes are in the 2nd gen exlorers? I tried searching here, and tried looking myself I didn't see any towards the front of the sunroof/moonroof like I thought there would be, mine I believe need cleaned because after the snow today it started melting some I sat down to have a wet *** and started leaking all over my lap when I started backing outta the driveway. These need cleaned ASAP.
