Well the X is down for the count... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well the X is down for the count...


Active Member
April 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Norfolk, Va
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Eddie Bauer
She started doing the all too famous o/d light flashing, check transmission light dance, and rpm's raising several hundred before it would shift into 3rd the other night. After the second or third time i saw it i scheduled an appointment with a friend of mine that owns a repair shop and is actually a transmission specialist. I asked him to do a simple fluid flush and a new filter. Easy right? I was told the pan was clean but the old fluid was pretty burnt.


Well with the new fluid the trans is slipping even more than it was to start with and wont hardly drive. :(

So im hopin it just needs a clutch pack, epc valve, and possibly a vb rebuild, because i dont think i can stomach a $2k repair bill right now. :(:(

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Dude, that SUCKS!!!! Especially after you got the lift on. Sorry to hear it. Hopefully its not as bad as a replace/rebuild. Good luck, keep us posted.

does it slip in all gears or just 2nd and 3rd. my torque converter has shot and it was doing the same thing but all gears. you might get luck with the torque converter.

She started doing the all too famous o/d light flashing, check transmission light dance, and rpm's raising several hundred before it would shift into 3rd the other night. After the second or third time i saw it i scheduled an appointment with a friend of mine that owns a repair shop and is actually a transmission specialist. I asked him to do a simple fluid flush and a new filter. Easy right? I was told the pan was clean but the old fluid was pretty burnt.


Well with the new fluid the trans is slipping even more than it was to start with and wont hardly drive. :(

So im hopin it just needs a clutch pack, epc valve, and possibly a vb rebuild, because i dont think i can stomach a $2k repair bill right now. :(:(

Just curious, how many miles do you have on your explorer?

I had a similar issue with my previous 02 Explorer. OD light flash & hard shift from 2nd to 3rd and the rear end roar was at its peak, louder than ever before. After just "asking around", the tranny wasn't far from taking a dump, rear end was next, so I bit the bullet and let her go. RIP @ 175k on the clock.

Who told you that you have to get a rebuilt transmission? Did you find out what the code numbers are? The 5R55W solenoid blocks tend to start acting up around 60K miles, and you have more than double of this amount. The servo bores also wear down, but there is a repair kit for that from WWW.ServoBore.Com. This link has the best prices for solenoid blocks, and valve bodies: http://www.800700tran.com/. This link has additional information: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2060402&postcount=6

Thanks for the links!

A repair shop/trans specialist hasnt said for sure it needs a rebuild because it isnt apart yet but its his guess.

had the exact same problem a few weeks ago, had to get the whole tranny rebuilt... 2600 bucks. sucks... blinking light... OD doesn't work, car revs to 4-5k before it shifts... seemed to run fine until i took it into the shop.

Well...$2356 later and its not fixed and its dumpin tranny fluid all over my driveway.

...back to the shop monday morning. :(

Well...$2356 later and its not fixed and its dumpin tranny fluid all over my driveway.

...back to the shop monday morning. :(

O, man! Sorry to hear the bro. Hopefully they will not charge you any more. Did you have it done at a dealer?

O, man! Sorry to hear the bro. Hopefully they will not charge you any more. Did you have it done at a dealer?

No, i took it to a friend that has a shop. He is a ford ase certified tranny specialist.

So I'm hoping that his repair is under warranty and it will not cost you any more.

So I'm hoping that his repair is under warranty and it will not cost you any more.

Yea the rebuild came with a 12 month/12k mile warranty. I aint payin ****! lol

That's what I like to hear!!! :thumbsup:

So, here I am with the same problem that hundreds of people have had and i ain't finding out any sure way to fix the problem. Mine just started, I had it flushed this morning, and nothing has changed. All I am learning is that I am screwed. Does anyone have a sure way to fix the problem? This is my family of 4's only car, and I am scared. I can't afford big repair bills, I am a do-it-yourself guy but not by choice.

I have no idea man. i had mine rebuilt and still doesnt work right.:(

It went back to the shop yesterday...

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What did they say?

Said he would only have to clean the shift solenoids...but that doesnt explain it leaking from the bell housing AND the back where the transfer case bolts up...:rolleyes:
