What are the best power adders | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What are the best power adders

I'm running the Destination a/t 275/70/17. Outside diameter measures 31.9. So I guess it's not really actual size, but closer than others i looked at. Some of the 33s measured closer to 31s.

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this weekend my lift goes on woot!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've read alot about gears on this thread. Has anyone ever done water/methenol injection? I just watched Horsepower on Spike and they were showing 65bhp gains on 93 oct. As it turns out this technology was developed in WWII on the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt. It generated 1800 more horsepower in that old bird! Ofcoarse, it was an 18 cylinder Pratt. And they measured hp differently back then. But man those kind of gains from water, Im down.

I've read alot about gears on this thread. Has anyone ever done water/methenol injection? I just watched Horsepower on Spike and they were showing 65bhp gains on 93 oct. As it turns out this technology was developed in WWII on the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt. It generated 1800 more horsepower in that old bird! Ofcoarse, it was an 18 cylinder Pratt. And they measured hp differently back then. But man those kind of gains from water, Im down.

You wont see any gains on a stock motor.only for high compression or forced induction.

Water injection allows you to cool a highly compressed charge and bumps up the octane so you don't have to retard your timing to stupid levels negating performance increase from FI.
You will be The Man if you can get the 4.0 to handle that kind of boost without popping off the heads.

Beyond exhaust, cam, intake, and a maintenance, there isn't much to be gained. Porting the heads for flow will help a lot, but price vs gain is high. A handful have played with stand alone engine management for some gains. But it's a very complicated install, then you have months of tuning.

Water injection allows you to cool a highly compressed charge and bumps up the octane so you don't have to retard your timing to stupid levels negating performance increase from FI.
You will be The Man if you can get the 4.0 to handle that kind of boost without popping off the heads.

Beyond exhaust, cam, intake, and a maintenance, there isn't much to be gained. Porting the heads for flow will help a lot, but price vs gain is high. A handful have played with stand alone engine management for some gains. But it's a very complicated install, then you have months of tuning.

The 4.0 is a large v6 and seems to handle boost fine.yes the price for getting hp out of these is very expensive but the tq is what these motors are about and that why so many say get gears.the 4.0 is not a race truck unless you drop ten grand into the motor like some of us have;)
