what do you hang from your rear view? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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what do you hang from your rear view?

Ak LTD Xplorer

Explorer Addict
December 17, 2003
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Anchorage Alaska
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what do you hang from your rear view?..it's sunglasses for me

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Absolutly nothing...Looks like a good way to get a bunch of shrapnal in the face in an accident :(

The Piglet. I got 'em from McDonalds Happy Meal 3 years ago.


  • piglets 8.3.3.jpg
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what a coincidence there was a bit on the telly about that its actually illegal .A kid here got a $100.00 fine for a having a cardbourd pine smelling thing hanging off it .so be care full if the filth are any thing like they are here they will pull you over then find some thing to book you for another kid had plastic handcuffs in his car and they booked him for that .sort of makes you wonder why some one would shoot a cop:shoot:


04' graduation tassel.

Originally posted by matey
what a coincidence there was a bit on the telly about that its actually illegal .A kid here got a $100.00 fine for a having a cardbourd pine smelling thing hanging off it .so be care full if the filth are any thing like they are here they will pull you over then find some thing to book you for another kid had plastic handcuffs in his car and they booked him for that .sort of makes you wonder why some one would shoot a cop:shoot:

Originally posted by 91Ranger4x4
04' graduation tassel.

My friend got a ticket for hanging his graduation tassel from the rearview mirror; he was being kind of a dick to the cop though so I wouldn't worry about it.

it is illegal to hang anything from your rearview mirror... i have my school parking permit hanging from mine

I see some things hanging in some people's vehicles but I personally dont hang anything from mine... just don't see the need.
I know in State College they were somewhat tough on that, but I havent heard much in this area. Basically, it can be a distraction or inhibit your vision, thus the law no doubt.

yea if a cop pulled me over and added to my ticket for that id laugh at him and ask if he was serious and take it too court.. i usually have neclaces like mardi grai beeds hanging or like snowboard googles,

2004 Graduation Tassel!

i have a carabiner on mine

A yellow smiley face


I have a few things hung from my mirror.

1. A parking permit to park at my mother's apartment complex

2. A SoBe lanyard, from which is hung, a plastic pink rose, a pink heart that says I love you, a metal and crystal decoration, a beaded lizard my youngest girl made me, and a beaded dragonfly my oldest girl made me

Hanging things off your mirror is technically illegal here, but the cops ignore it....I guess they have more important things to worry about

Kenny....you know, "Oh my God, they killed Kenny!" "You.." know the rest of the statment:D

Fuzzy dice AND a miniture pair of boxing gloves!!! Had dice on for 30 years and NEVER got stoped! Hummmmm! Ilegal??? Maybe I should take them off!!!


Dont know if you can make it out but it's a smiley face. I bought it for my wife one day at a gas station when she realized she forgot her neclace at home. After she opened it we realized it was for a little kid.

for all you people with the tassle on your mirror or thinking about it, i wouldnt do it if you value it or never want to roll down your windows. cause i kno a girl that had hers on her mirror and because she had her windows down a lot and it screwed up her tassle. i have nothing, but i used to have my parking pass up. and my tassle would be '03 ;)

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I hang the fishing lure that i caught my biggest bass on .:D
