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what does this fuse do?


New Member
February 7, 2005
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new jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 mountaineer
I have a 99 mountaineer and no owners manual. Fuse #17 on the inside fuse panel blew (25 amp), I replaced it but I dont know what it did. Any help would be appreciated.

I also noticed when I did a search that a lot of people have been asking for online copies of the owners manual, but most get no answer. I find it hard to believe that with all the explorers out there nobody has ever scanned a copy online, so, Ill ask again. If anyone knows where I can find one let me know. Thanks.

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17 is the cigarette lighter. Not sure why there's no online manual, you should have one in your glove box ;)

You can buy owners manuals for just about anything. We bought one for my dads old honda and my grandmothers buick new. Just do a google search for them. If you want used, try e-bay.

The scanned and posted online are probably illegal since it would be copywrited material.

I think you can go to Ford site and download the Owner's Manual. You'll need to go to the Ford Owner's link.

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