What Grille Guard to by?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Grille Guard to by??


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2001
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'94 XLT
I have a 1994 green XLT. I've been shopping around for a grille guard. I'm looking for something that kind of wraps around the headlights and has the horizontal bars in front of the lights. I've heard good things about Waag and Manik, however I am unable to find any pictures of them on my truck. Do any on you guys have any pictures of your truck with either grille guard?

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Check explorer express..The have several for the first generation explorers..

Hey Mudrut,

You say check Explorer Express...is that a wesite?


He mean Explorerexpress.com.:) I have a Waag grill guard but I've seen Manik and it looks much better.

Does Manik make one for a '94? If so, where can I find a pic of one, and where can I get a deal on one?


I couldn't find a pic but below are the model numbers for your X. I do know that the guard for your '94 looks like mine with the exception of the two main vertical bars are straight instead of bent outward.

332951 Front Bar 1-Piece
332959 Taillight Guards 3/4" Tube Style

You might be able to get a pic from Manik try these:

General Information: info@manik.com
Sales: sales@manik.com
Customer Service: 1.800.457.7645

Hope this helps

I put a Smittybilt Outland on mine and love it!! (Check out the picture under my name)I had a Smittybilt on my old '92 as well and never had problems with it.

Thanks for the help guys. hey, "Jet Ski Puller" if you find a picture of the Manik on a 1994 Explorer, can you send it to me?
