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What is leaking?


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April 3, 2014
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2005 Ford Explorer XLT
As I was doing some work today, I came across what looks like a leak/seep? Please advise...


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Looks like your injector o-ring is leaking fuel down onto the intake manifold.

Yes if it's not coming from the thermostat housing then it's fuel. By the looks of it I can see tool marks on the rail bolts so it was removed when your timing chains were done and the oring was pinched going back in probably.

Someone thought that it could be the valve covers? I'm going to see the service manager at Ford and see what he says...

Went to Ford...Rear valve cover gaskets...$575 + tax for the job

I'm going to give my mechanic a call and see what he says

YOU NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM YOUR FORD DEALER. If it's the same place that did your timing chains those gaskets should be like new still. Also I have NEVER seen valve cover gaskets leak at the top like that, it's near impossible. Have someone turn the ignition key to "on" and watch that injector. Fuel evaporates so it's not going to puddle, just collect dirt.

Also if the pcv valve is bad it will suck oil into the intake manifold and puddle around the intake o - rings on the inside but also SHOULD NOT leak if those o - rings were replaced.

I gotta go with the upper injector o-ring also....

YOU NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM YOUR FORD DEALER. If it's the same place that did your timing chains those gaskets should be like new still. Also I have NEVER seen valve cover gaskets leak at the top like that, it's near impossible. Have someone turn the ignition key to "on" and watch that injector. Fuel evaporates so it's not going to puddle, just collect dirt.

Also if the pcv valve is bad it will suck oil into the intake manifold and puddle around the intake o - rings on the inside but also SHOULD NOT leak if those o - rings were replaced.

The only reason why I went to Ford is because if it is the valve covers, then it should be covered.

The manager that I used to deal with was fired. The new manager took me into the shop and showed me the leaking valve covers on both rear sides of the engine.

I will take new pictures and post them within the hour.

Here are the pictures of the general areas I was shown at Ford...


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Wow so obviously the gaskets were not changed if they are both leaking at the back corners(where they always start). I have followed most of your post and you have spent WAAAAY too much on your timing chain job to still have issues. I do at least 1 set of 4.0 sohc timing chains each month in my shop and the customers bill is RARELY over $2000 and I replace every gasket including the rear main, install new plugs and wires and use quality cloyes timing components (half of cloyes parts have ford p/n on them so they are identical as OEM).

Out of the over 20 4.0 timing chain jobs I have done only 1 has had major issues and that was because I used a cheap customer supplied timing set from eBay. The rear guide might have made it 20k mi before exploding. Needless to say he paid me to install a lower milage engine with the cloyes timing set the 2nd time around.

I worked in a Ford dealer for over 6 years and I have seen some of the worst quality work ever there. Noone cleans anything before installing new gaskets, wires are never put back how they were and clips are always broken. I have seen customers pay for technician mishaps numerous times because it had been explained by the service writer as something that "needed" to be done and people are none the wiser.

If I could do it all over again, I would have just gotten a new engine. I am waiting for one of the big mangers at the dealership to call me back.

I am going to tell him that I am fed up with all of the BS at the dealer, the numerous problems, the subpar quality, and more.

Is there anything else I should tell this guy when he calls?

Get a printout of your original work order so you can see what you actually paid for and parts used. If the valve cover gaskets are not on there then they half-assed it for sure.

On a side note a "new" engine isn't much better than yours with new timing chains. Alot of time reman engines have to use weird oversized bearings for clearance issues because the engine previously wasn't cared for before it was rebuilt. It's really the luck of the draw as to how good of a reman engine you get. In my opinion as long as you keep oil and coolant in it and replace the timing chains as needed a 4.0 sohc engine will go on for at least 400k mi.

Get a printout of your original work order so you can see what you actually paid for and parts used. If the valve cover gaskets are not on there then they half-assed it for sure.

On a side note a "new" engine isn't much better than yours with new timing chains. Alot of time reman engines have to use weird oversized bearings for clearance issues because the engine previously wasn't cared for before it was rebuilt. It's really the luck of the draw as to how good of a reman engine you get. In my opinion as long as you keep oil and coolant in it and replace the timing chains as needed a 4.0 sohc engine will go on for at least 400k mi.

I looked at all of the parts used, and a valve cover gasket was not on the work order.

It's probably not going to say valve cover gasket, it's just going to list the part number and say gasket or seal behind it. Either way that is POOR workmanship to not replace gaskets as they are removed. You can blame the technician that worked on your truck for that.

On another side note if you want to drive here to Va beach I would do the valve cover gaskets, intake manifold and all fuel injector o-rings for $250 and I promise you won't have any more issues lol

No call back from the Ford dealership. I'm really not surprised.

Should I call corporate and see what they have to say? I have enough problems with this dealership to file a complaint.

I went ahead and called Ford and filed a complaint. They recorded it and are sending it to the service department.

No call back from the Ford dealership. I'm really not surprised.

Should I call corporate and see what they have to say? I have enough problems with this dealership to file a complaint.
Definitely call corporate and start by telling them that they have a problem with the way Ford is going to be viewed in your part of the country if they allow their service departments to make screwups of this nature, and then worse yet, not take care of them afterwards.

Send an email to the president or general manager of the company, not the service manager. Let them know you filed a complaint with Ford and explain your frustration. You can also link him to this thread so they know you have an audience. You have been good not bashing the name of the dealership but if it comes down to it start a new thread named "BEWARE OF (insert dealer name)". Then start posting pictures, amount spent and all the issues you have had. Only go to this step if you get no cooperation. Remember a closed mouth doesn't get fed.

At most the only expense you should have is the cost of gaskets and o-rings because they should have been replaced in the first place while it was apart. Who reuses 10 year old gaskets anyway?

At most the only expense you should have is the cost of gaskets and o-rings because they should have been replaced in the first place while it was apart. Who reuses 10 year old gaskets anyway?

You haven't been to All American Ford

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Even after calling corporate Ford, leaving a message for the service director, and calling one of the big bosses at the dealer I haven't heard back from anyone...

Should I just keep calling?
