What is this and where does it go? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What is this and where does it go?


Active Member
June 14, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Cleveland, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Sport Trac
Found this hose hanging today on my 2001 Sport Trac. Can someone tell me what it is and where it goes?

First pic is where it starts and second pic is the end of it.





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Differential vent hose. Mount open end high as possible with enough slack for suspension travel. IIRC, around the EVAP canister.

So it doesn't get connected to anything it's just a vent? What does "IIRC" mean?

What does evaporator condenser look like?


Yep, it's the vent valve tube. It needs to be up clipped on the frame or higher, leave slack in it for suspension travel.

So I'm going to guess that that the clip must have rusted out. Is there a part number for a new clip?

Nylon tie wrap works fine, it's only a vent hose. Some use a trim panel clip to keep the critters out, especially spiders.

Don't waste money on a clip to mount it. A zip tie works just as well because placement isn't critical.

A zip tie it will be. I guess it's just a matter of crawling under there an trying to find somewhere to zip it to. Sounds like the higher the better just make sure there is some slack.

Anybody have a part number for that little check valve thingy, it's a technical term, on the end of the line? At some point before I bought my Trac the lines from the trans and transfer case disappeared. I ran new lines but just need something on the end to keep the little critters from making a home in there.

Not sure of the name right off hand but just go to the junkyard and pluck them off of another vehicle.
